Chapter 38

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Skylar's Pov
I walked upstairs slamming my door. I locked it as well so they couldn't come in. Might as well climb out the window for this sakes.

I heard a knock on my door as I ignored it. Then I heard multiple knocks and ignored it again.

Then they started to knock and not stopping.

"LITERALLY JUST GO AWAY!!" I yelled but they just kept knocking.

I stood up but felt immediate pain in my abdomen. I lifted my sweatshirt looking in the mirror to see the bruises. The pain felt like it was spreading everywhere around my body. My side... my waist. My back.

"SKYLARR!" I heard as I rolled my eyes.

I pulled my boxers down a little to see a big bruise on my hip. It hurt like hell. These few days the pain has hurt like hell and I hated every minute. I grabbed the cream the doctor sent home with me as I started to lightly put it on wincing every second of it.

"SKYLAR ANSWER US BEFORE WE LITERALLY BUST THE DOOR DOWN!!" Ag yelled out as I rolled my eyes again.

I wasn't able to get my back so I left it. I grabbed some pain killers taking them with a water I had.

I grabbed the key and opened the door to see Anna falling inside and Ag staring at me.

"Took you awhile." Anna said getting up.

"Your sweatshirt." Ag said has she lifted I up before pulling it down but lifted back up.

"Oh.." ag whispered as I tried walking away.

"N-No Ag stop." I said as she pulled me back.

She started to take my sweatshirt off when I pushed her off of me.

"No." I said backing up.

"Hey look I'm not gonna hurt you okay. I just wanna see." She said as she started to get closer.

I felt flashbacks running in my head as I made me a little dizzy.

"Skylar?" I heard as I felt something hit my back.

I realized I had backed myself up into a wall. I started to panic cause in this situation it was much more scarier than the flashbacks I've been getting.

It felt like Tom was literally about to kill me. My breathing was heavy has I felt a pair of hands on shoulder.

"Hey stop... it's okay." I heard as the person's body started to overcome mine.

My vision started to clear up and I smelled the familiar perfume of Anna's.

"It's okay..." she whispered as I just stood there.

I looked up at Ag who looked at me. She smiled but it died really fast. She looked hurt and it kinda confused me. I hate seeing people hurt but at the same time I feel scared. I don't know why I just feel that way...

"Cmon... we are going to watch a movie." Anna said as I looked at her.

She guided me back on my bed as she laid next to me. Ag sat on the bed but avoided eye contact with me.

Anna put on some random movie as I started to feel myself slowly falling asleep. I didn't want to fall asleep cause I know the nightmares are gonna come back... they always do...

I moved around and before I knew it I was laying on top of Anna. She didn't realize it soon but I fell asleep on her.

Anna's POV
I woke up to Skylar moving on top of me. I didn't even realize she was. Everyone was asleep including Ag with her head hung down against the wall while she sat on the bed.

Skylar kept moving around like she was having a nightmare. I wrapped my arms around her but all the sudden she woke up in shock. She was yelling at me.

"N-No STOP!" She yelled as her hands pinned my wrist to the bed.

I tried to get up but she was literally too strong. It's like it was adrenaline flowing through her. She was scared and sobbing as she was finally weak enough. I pulled her off of me and switched our positions.

"Hey love your okay. It's okay just a nightmare." I whispered pulling the hair out her face.

I was hovering over her has she pushed me away. She was frantically kicking the air has Ag pushed her legs down.

"STOP TOUCHING ME PLEASE! OKAY IM BEGGING YOU!" She yelled trying to push Ag away.

"Skylar you have to calm down." Ag said as skylar let out a loud scream.

Ag covered her mouth with her hand as Skylar struggled harder. I pulled Ag away and just laid on top of Skylar drawing little shapes on her neck.

In matter of minutes Skylar started to calm down. I get Ag was trying to help her but her way is a little aggressive. Not in a mean way... Skylar is having nightmares or memories of her ex sexually abusing her and she can't be calmed down by force. She needs time to realize its not the flashback that is current it's really life and that she is safe.

Skyler's chest was heaving as I looked at her to see tears streaming down her face.

"Hey look at me. Your okay I promise. Nothing is happening." I said making sure my words were reassuring her.

She let out deep breaths trying to calm herself. I looked at Ag who was batting an eye at me.

A few minutes passed as I saw Skylar sleeping. I got off of her so she wouldn't have another nightmare thinking I was her ex. I pulled a blanket on top of her before Ag pulled me outside.

"You know something I don't." She said crossing her arms.

"Yes I do and I'm gonna respect Skylar's privacy and not tell anyone." I said and she scoffed.

"Tell me. Or I will literally make you tell me." She said as I felt her get closer.

"Fine! Just don't speak about it in front of Skylar... she can't take anything and anymore else. She's hurting and we can't help her." I said calmly.

I told her everything and Ag looked at me with literal fear in her eyes. I looked back in the room to see Skylar cuddling with a stuff animal she had on the bed.

I smiled... she looks so cute... wait Anna... stop no your not suppose to catch feelings.

Shut the fuck up. And stop with these stupid overthinking thought.

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