C1. The final meeting

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The fourth day of the Zodiac Exam has arrived, and it won't take long before I reap the fruits of my labor during the past few days. My actions this time around will undoubtedly lead to fiery consequences that I must prepare for in advance. Even so, I have no regrets. I've been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time, and there is no saying when a similar one will appear in the future.

So far, only the Cow and Monkey group has been terminated. Koenji put an end to the Monkey group justifying that the discussions would take too much of his free time.

According to my investigations, even if his actions seem reckless to an outsider, he still arrived at the right answer for his group.

Also, given that no one from Class D turned traitor from the Cow group, and considering the defensive nature of both Class A and B, it's safe to assume that Class C made a move against either Class A or, as I've guessed, Class B.

The end of the test for both groups is something that worked in my favor... There are still a total of 10 groups in discussion, and I plan to use them all.

Entering the room where the final meeting will occur, I found Ichinose Honami sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, fiddling with her phone. Her thighs are particularly more enticing tonight... Is it because of what happened between Karuizawa and me?...

No use thinking about it, I guess.

"Ohayo, Ichinose." Shrugging those thoughts out of my head, I make my presence noticed by the leader of Class B.

"huh- Ayanokouji-kun? Didn't expect to see you here this early." She kindly greeted me, tapping the seat beside her.

Her eyes were completely fixated on me. It seems that she is wary of my presence. Not that I blame her, my actions were very conspicuous, after all. But even if Ichinose tries to hide it, I can see a different glint in her eyes.

"I thought a quieter place wouldn't be so bad right now." There was another reason for me to come this early, but I told no lie.

"Is that so? I guess we had the same idea, huh? Haha," Ichinose laughed nervously, scratching her cheeks.

"Are you nervous about the conclusion of this exam?" Her body language is enough to know that that's the case, but I asked either way.

Hearing my question, she sighed. "That obvious, huh?" she smiled dryly. "I trust you, and I trust my instincts, but... Whatever happens, the results will have a huge impact on Class B. I can't stand the thought of failing my classmates."

"I understand." Her explanation was followed by a few moments of silence until I finally broke it.

"Do you? You don't seem to care about them, though." After I voiced the only reply my supercomputer-brain could think of, Ichinose made her inquiry.

Her words were accusatory, but after locking eyes with her, I could see that curiosity was her main feeling.

"Just to be clear, I'm not judging you... But I would never expect that after I saw how much you helped Class D."

It's true that there is a considerable difference between my actions in the past and my latest movements. Her doubts aren't unfunded.

"I didn't do much. And besides, I had no choice but to act on my own this time. If I care about Class D or not is another matter entirely."

Even to someone like Ichinose, who's not from Class D, it should be clear as day the limitations and defects that my class has. It would be a waste of resources to choose them over anything else.

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