𝐺𝑜 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡, 𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑜

Start from the beginning

"You were a stubborn child. Very Stubborn and Naïve. or maybe just stupid. Now here is what is going to happen." James said and threw Isadora across the room, landing on her broken arm and cracking her head on the wall.  He then pushed Isabella into a mirror, causing it to smash and she shards dug into her leg

"One of you will be my meal and the other will go free."

"Take her. Virgins blood is supposed to be thrilling to vampires isn't it?" Isabella asked. James chuckled and ran towards Isadora. He sunk his teeth into her, not releasing his venom, just draining her blood. that was until he smelled Isabella's blood. He ran over and bit her, his venom went through her blood as Edward, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Esme and Jasper showed up and pulled him off of Isabella. Esme and Rosalie ran over to a deathly pale Isadora.

"Isadora. stay awake, alright" she heard Esme's voice, but it sounded very distant, like it was getting further away. Eventually her eyes closed and a blissful darkness welcomed her home.

In Volterra, Caius was nestled on Marcus's lap while Aro leaned against Marcus's shoulder, when they felt a bond fade out. Marcus realised it was their missing piece. Their mate. They were in trouble. They were dying.

They banded together and entered their mate's unconscious mind, though they couldn't see their mate.

'Go back to the light, Tesoro' Aro said through their mates mind

'W-who said that?' a timid voice asked

'All will be revealed in time, amore, but you need to wake up and live.' Caius said softly

'B-but I don't want to. I want to stay here. It is safer here and nothing can hurt me anymore and you make me feel safe'

Marcus' heart broke as he heard her whimper.

'Mia Cara, if you do not wake up, you will never meet us and we would all love to meet you." Marcus stated, coaxing their mate to wake up.

'How do I wake up?' she asked.

'Just tell yourself to wake up. let us use our energy to push you out'

Bright light filled Isadora's eyes as she opened them.

"Oh thank Goodness." Carlisle sighed as he seen Isadora's frail, pale body moving and her heart beating again.

"You had us so afraid." Emmett said as he held Isadora's hand. She seen her whole family with venom tears in their eyes.


"You have nothing to be sorry for. Isabella dragged you there." Jasper cut her off

"Where is Eddie?" she asked.

"With Bella, she is awake." Esme smiled at her daughter, but frowned when she seen a sad look on her face

"What?" Alice asked

"She told James to kill me because a virgins blood is thrilling." Dora answered, sadly.

Just then Edward walked in and smiled at his sister, but her face remained sad

"We'll give you a minute alone." Carlisle said and left the room with the others.

"I have been a shitty brother these past few months. I should have dropped that bitch from the beginning."

"You thought she was you're mate. That is a reasonable answer." Isa said

"No. It isn't. I believed her over you without a second thought, every lie she told me I listened. I knew deep down that she was lying, but I was blinded by bloodlust and I cant express how sorry I am, Dora." Edward said honestly

"I forgive you Eddie, but please don't leave me like that ever again."

"I promise. I wont ever leave or hurt you like that ever again." He responded and hugged her.

"How is her baby?"

"Her baby is fine. She is with her parents.  We are trying to keep Rosalie away from her. And Emmett. And Esme. And Jasper. And Carlisle for that matter."

"When can I get out of here?" she asked her brother

"When the doctor gives you the clear. You want me to let everyone in?"

"Sure" she smiled as everyone came in. she let her smile shine as she seen the Denali's with them.

"Hey sweetie." Kate beamed as she sat beside her.

"James did this?" Irena asked

"Yes. He tried to kill Isadora, we had to kill him." Carlisle informed

"Be careful of Victoria, she was James' true mate. Laurent is going to join us and join the vegetarian diet." Irena replied while looking to Isadora, who had begun coughing

Carlisle passed her some water and pat her back.

"I think we should let her rest." Carmen suggested. Esme nodded and walked them out.

"When can we go home?" Dora asked

"About an hour, but you will be sleeping by then." Alice said with a smile.

"You aren't mad at me? For leaving?" she asked

"Not mad, you just scared us. You mean so much to us, squirt." Emmett sighed

"That's enough talk, unless you want a grumpy Isadora when we get home." Alice joked as Isadora closed her eyes and fell into a blissful sleep.

Her dreams were filled with three beautiful red eyes. They made her feel safe and happy.

Waking up from the car going down a hill fast is not how Isadora would have liked to be woken up, but alas, she had no control over this. Emmett was the one driving, of course.

"You're worse at driving than Alice." Isadora grumbled, not moving as it caused her immense pain.

"Sorry kiddo. You hungry?" he asked, looking in the rear mirror to see her nod her head. Five minutes later, Isadora had a kids meal from McDonalds and a icy water, which she was enjoying as Emmett drove and Rose played her music.

Getting back to the house felt different, like something new was going to happen, and Isadora had no idea how to feel about it

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