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The pink-haired girl stood up, once class was over and made her way to the person who was getting in the way of her and Bakugo being together.

Tapping Shoto's shoulder he turned around and recognized as her as "the chick who keeps staring at him." And he assumed that she maybe wanted to ask him why Katsuki was looking at him earlier.

"Look slut, I don't know who you think you are but Katsu is MINE. He has always been mine and will always be mine. You must think you're so mysterious by refusing to tell us what species you are but I can already tell that you're a Siren. Only those care about seducing men and stealing them from girls. So just letting you know, the jig is up and every at school will know...unless you stay away from my future husband. Got it?" Mitsuriki said, left hand on her hip and right hand poking him in chest.

Huh? Todoroki didn't understand what on earth she was talking about. He didn't even know Bakugo that well yet. (He assumes that Katsu was Bakugo's first name or perhaps a nickname)

"I have no intention of taking Bakugo away from you. I apologize if it came across that way. I will not interfere with your relationship." He said. All of this was a lie. He knew that if she was acting like this, the blond was not going to choose to be with her because he didn't like these types of people. Based off of the one interaction they had, Shoto could already read his personality like a book.

The girl was surprised, she didn't realize that he wasn't after her man and felt slightly bad. But not really.

"Ok good, bye now!"

She strutted away to lunch leaving our candy cane to process what had just happened.

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