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adjective ~ causing or feeling anxiety; troubled or uncomfortable


Something was touching me. Something other than the blanket I was wrapped in. I grunted and tried to roll away, but I was restricted. Through bleary eyes and a tired mind, I tried to wake myself. I felt drowsy, my head spinning as soon as I lifted it.

I blinked furiously, finding a bright light shining down above me. I groaned, trying to sit upright. Something warm pushed my shoulder down, and I turned to find what it was.

A person. It was a person.

Their hand was holding my shoulder down, preventing me from sitting upright. Immediately, I went to move my arms and legs, but I found them weighed down heavy and unable to move. I panicked, blinking furiously to find out where I was.

"Calm down."

The voice sounded muffled, everything around me blurry. My head was heavy and screamed with exertion every time I tried to move it. Something sharp was touching me, claws, nails, glass? I wasn't sure.

I shook my head, a plea of help desperate to escape my mouth. But my jaw fell slack, burdened with drowsiness.

"Sedate her again."

Sedate me? What? Who was that? What's going on?

I whimpered, shaking my head as another sharp object touched me on the neck. My head swirled, a colourful array of dizziness disorientating me. I cried for help, to stop the swaying tides, but they all too quickly pulled me under.

My head ached as I lay in bed. My mind woke up to the morning sun. I groaned, rolling over and finding myself unchained. That was strange. I could've sworn they chained me up last night...

I bent down to rub at the skin, but as soon as I sat upright, my stomach swirled with nausea. My throat burned, and I heaved. Nothing escaped my stomach, but the sickness never left. I lay back down, choosing it as the safer option. I curled up on my side, closing my eyes to hide the throbbing migraine.

My door unlocking met my ears, and I sighed, forcing my eyes to open. I wasn't sure how long I lay in my sick misery, but whoever interrupted me better come with pain killers. But who am I kidding? This is a prison cell.

The dull eyes of Master met my own, and I froze. I stayed laying down, and he didn't seem too pleased with that. He was scowling at me, staring at me on the rickety bed. He lifted a hand and cupped his fingers. Footsteps grew closer and soon the familiar figure of Raven entered my sight.

My face turned into a scowl before I tried to hide it with a dismissal. Raven looked to Master once before narrowing her eyes at me. I stayed lying, deciding it was better for my swinging head. It felt like I was drunk, or bedridden with a stomach bug or flu.

"What is the matter with her?" Master huffed. "She has been sleeping all morning."

She snapped her head to him and grimaced. "Maybe it's the lack of food and water."

He snarled at her, but she merely blinked her eyes at him.

"Food and water are privileges." He snapped.

"Well, if you are to continue taking her bloo-"

"Do not!"

"Wa-wait. Wh-what is she saying?" I mumbled.

His face turned back to me, his eyes flickering red. His chest heaved as he paused for time to answer, calming his anger.

"Nothing to be concerned about." He attempted to soothe me.

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