Chapter { 4 } : safe

Start from the beginning

I mumbled a small thank you to her, before I focused on the meal in front of me.

A load amount of pancakes on my plate, with a few strawberry syrup on top, and I just stared at it, while everyone dig in their plates, not knowing how to tell them that I'm allergic to anything containing strawberries.

So I just kept looking at it, wondering if they'll be mad if I told them, or spoke without permission, and punish me like will used to.

My brother Gianni seemed to notice my frozen and scared state.

"Bella, who aren't you eating?", with that question directed to me by my eldest brother, the rest of them let their eyes wonder from my plate and back to me.

And I didn't even know what to say, so I kept my head down, as I fiddled with my twin's way too large sleeves on me.

"I'm allergic to strawberries", I stated, my voice barely a whisper.

And after moments of silence, I wasn't sure if they heard me, because they said absolutely nothing, so I took the risk and looked at them.

And they defenetly heard me because my plate was replaced with another one, this one with chocolate syrup on top.

I have no idea how I didn't see them replace it.

I looked at my dad and brothers expecting them to yell or insult me and make fun of me, but no they just stared at me with a look of.... regret?
Why are they looking at me like that.

"I'm sorry bambina, we should have asked you if you had any allergies", said my dad.

And I looked at him, as if he has grown two heads, getting out of my trance, I whispered an it's okay, and started eating.

I picked my fork, and I didn't know if I should wat or not, I mean I'm not used to eating, so I hope I don't end up throwing up after this meal, and it's not all that, I don't think I want to eat, I did gain some wait lately, because i ate a bit at the station, and I noticed my cheeks getting a bit chubbier.

Someone stopped my train of thoughts by by clearing their throat, I looked up to see them all still looking at me, I looked at my left side, expecting someone to tell me what they need.

"Eat up twinny", said matt beside me.

"I'm not really hungry", I responded still looking at my family.

They stared at me for a moment looking for some lie in my eyes.

"But you didn't eat anything yesterday", stated dad.

"I did, at the station, they gave me some ...... snacks".

"Eat a little bit", said luca.

I nodded, as I brought the fork and cut the pancakes with a knife, and I nearly moaned of the delicious taste, they really are good.

"These are really good", I found myself saying out loud.

Some of them chuckled while enzo said "they're just pancakes"

"Yeah, my first pancakes for that matter", I mumbled, but of course they heard again.

They stared at me, waiting for me to say it's a joke while I just kept eating small bites.

"These are your first pancakes?", asked leo.

"Umm, yeahh...".

"Why would you never eat pancakes?", he asked again.

I shrugged, still eating, not bothering to answer.

They seemed to loosen up a bit, and went back to eating, no words were exchanged as we dig in our plates.

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