Chapter { 26 } : Scarred

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Mirabella :

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTER YOU JERK", I heard someone yell.

I felt somthing move from beside me, I opened my eyes to be met with furious brothers, Liam looks like he's enjoying, I glanced at my left to see that I'm nearly on top of Sebastian, with his arm around my shoulders, and my head in the crooked his neck.

We held eye contact for about five seconds, till I realised that everyone was looking at us.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realize I fell asleep", I said while getting up.

"Come on we're leaving", said lorenzo a bit harshly.

"What time is it?", asked Sebastian.

I started gathering the things we brought.

My brothers didn't look like they intend to answer, so Liam did instead.

"About 3pm, you guys slept for nearly 3 hours", he said empathizing the slept, while wiggling his eyebrows.

I felt my cheeks hear up, shoot, were we in that position for nearly 3 hours.

I wonder if he feels the same way, if he feels nervous when I'm around, I mean he did kiss my cheek, is that supposed to mean something?, he was probably just being a gentleman.

"Don't encourage her, Lee, papà will murder him..... so will we", said Mattio smacking Liam's neck.

I glanced at Sebastian to see him already staring at me.

I totally forgot about papà, even if Seb actually wants me, which is unlikely, papà won't like this.

Whatever this is.

I sighed and gave him a sad smile, then turned to the others.

"So where are we heading to now?", asked Rafael exitedly.

"There's a waterfall nearby, we can head there now", said Liam picking up some baskets.

Of course I came prepared, even though I didn't even see which swimming suit I brought, I just picked a random one, because we were on a rush.

"Wohoo, hell yeah, I'm quite tired, so swimming is the best option now", said leo jumping.

You sure you're the tired one bro?
And how can swimming be the best option when you're tired, I think sleeping tops it.

After picking up everything, we made our way towards the road we came from.

Mattio swung his arm around shoulder, while Liam was talking to Sebastian.


"Go~d, I'm so tired", he whined while leaning on me.

I laughed at him, "just a bit more, and we'll be there, then we'll go for a swim, maybe you'll get better after seeing the water",

"Yeaah, maybe", he said yawning.

Then slowed his walking pace, "hey.....umm, you sure you wanna go?, I mean I know you can swim now, but I just don't want what happened last time to happen again, we don't have any grownups with us today, maybe we'll come back tomorrow with the older brothe__", he rambled but I cut him off.

"Matt, hey..... I'll be okay", I said looking at his eyes.

He nodded kissed the top of my head, "I love you my twinkle toe",

"Twinkle toe?", i gasped.

"Yeah, cause you're short", he shrugged.

"I am NOT, you guys are just big trolls", I defended.

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