{Chapter 19}

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(Haruto POV...)

“But it looked like something”

He said as he stood up and laid back down again beside me as he closed his eyes

“Not sick anymore?”

“I wasnt sick in the beginning”

I said as i looked back at my phone smiling a little before scrolling in my TikTok, trying to avoid his gaze as i sighed and awkwardly smiled at him

“I-is there anything wrong Aki-san?”




He called me out as i looked at him


“I have a slight headache..Can you pat my head for a while?”

He asked to me, he had a not really visible black circles underneath his eyes, so he must be tired after looking after me the whole night


I said as i sat comfortably and he put his head on my lap as i started softly stroking his head as he relaxed..


“Are you comfortable Aki-san?”

I asked him as i massaged his head lightly


“Hmmm.. Shouji-san texted me this morning”

I said to him as he shot his eyes open

“What did that a*shole say?”

“Well, he asked where the three of us were and said that the teacher ordered him to and told me to get better after telling him I collapsed last night”

“How’d he know we were together? *raises eyebrow*”

“Well, i think he thought that since we were always together maybe i also knew where you guys were”

I said as I continued massaging his head

“Now that I think about it, why dis you guys stay up all night when i was just exhausted?”

“*sigh*... Your fever was very high and Hayato was sobbing all night *closes eyes*”

“O-oh sorry to worry you guys”

“Its okay..Yuno was just loud and i coudng even sleep a wink becouse of their bickering *sighs*..”

“*giggles* your like our big brother haha!”

“Well, i am the oldest among all of us..And dont think of me as your brother..I dont like that..”

“Then what??”

“Hmm..How about a ‘lover’?*smiles*”

As i heard what he said I quickly turned red as he smirked and i covered his face so he wouldnt see my face

“H-hey!! That was out of question!! *blushing*”

“Whats wrong about that?”

“Y-your really a flirt right now Aki-san!”

“Hm? Isnt Yuno always like this?”

“W-well not really *blushing*”

“Then that means I’ll do it sometimes too *smiles teasingly*”


“You never stop Yuno when he does it, and you dont push Hayato away when he hugs you, what about me..?”

”I-i mean that Aki-san doesnt really talk much..*shy* s-so i dont really know what you like and something like that..”

I said as i feddled with his bangs as he opened his eyes and looked at me

“Then ill start opening up more *smiles*”

“Thats great! *smiles brightly *”

“Hmm..Haruto..You know when you smile your eyes dissapear..”

He said as he reached for my cheeks and caressed it

“Well, i also dont know why it goes like that”

I said closing my left eye as he continued caressing my cheeks

“You have a very soft cheeks Haruto..Your servants must’ve pinched it alot when you were young..”

“Well they did, and it always turned red as they will pinch it alot”

“You know, i wish i met you when we were younger, so that we could have always been together “

“Well, Hayato is the only kid i met back then so it would be impossible to do that, i mever went out the mansion when i was young..”

“I have an older brother and he is managing our company along with my dad right now..But we were never close because he was always focused on studying to be a potential heir of the family..”

“How about Aki-san?”

“Hmm well *retreated his hands* i am also smart, i just dont want to be involved in the business world”

“Yeah, i also dont want, but ill be the one managing ours when i grow up..”

“Yeah, that’s unavoidable..”

“Aki-san, you know, mine and Shouji-sans parents are friends, and also business partners so that means that i have to atleast get to know my future partner when time comes”

“You guys are partners?”

“Yeah, thats why my father enrolled me there so we can get along *smiles*”

“Dont try to get—“

“What are you doing!? Get away from my niichan!!”

Hayato yelled as he jumped on the bed and tried pushing Aki-san off

“Dont worry Hayato, i was just massaging his head *smiles*”

“What!? Then why arent you massaging and only talking!?”

[ To be continued...]

-wow, sana all Haruki moments ang whole chapters haha!! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and see you on the next one! 👋👋

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