{Chapter 12}

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(Haruto POV.....)

“Hayato! Why did you come here you should be resting!”

I said as i stood up from the bath and went to Hayato as he gasped and quicjly took off his jacket and covered me as he hugged me

“Why are you naked with my niichan you bastards!?”

He yelled at Yuno and Aki-san as Yuno stood up and waved his hand

“No you got it wrong we were just bathing together”

“That doesnt explain why you have to use the hot bath of all baths! You got to see My niichans body.. You perverts!!”

“Calm down Hayato, their my guest and they wanted to meet you so I invited them over”

I explained as i took off his hands that were tightly hugging my waist as he looked up at me

“B-but niichan! *tearing up*”

“Dont cry Hayato, and you should rest for now, are you hungry? I’ll tell the maids to prepare your food”

I said as i wiped the tears that were streaming down his face as he hugged me again

“Sorry guys! You can continue bathing, ill have to go first”

“Sure! Nice to meet you Hayato!”

“Shut up!! I hate you you jerk!”



Aki-san called as i looked at him whos back is facing me as he wetted his face


“Go with him, his noisy..”

“Yes.. Have fun!”

“See you later! *waves*”

I then grabbed a bathrobe as i went out with Hayato...

“You shouldnt have done that Hayato”

I scolded him as we walk through the hallway as he hugged my arm as he continued to sulk

“But they saw your body! A-and everything!! Im the only one that was suppose to be able to see it!!”

“*sigh* Hayato.. You shouldn’t be like that to my guest.. They wanted to see you becouse you were my cousin so I invited them here after you said that you were coming back home”

“*whimpers* still..”

“*sigh* excuse me (maid) please prepare Hayatos dinner and put his belongings on the room his going to use”

“Yes young master”

“Come lets eat first”

“Yes *sulking*”

We then enterd the dining area where Hayatos food was already well and prepared as i sat him down

“Eat for now Hayato, ill be changing in my room”


After that, i left him in the dining area as i went to my room to change into my pajamas..

   (Back in the bathroom...)

As soon as Haruto went out with Hayato, Yuno dipped back into the water as the atmosphere between them was very dark and hostile that spreade throughout the room...

“*sigh..* I dont like him..”

Yuno broke the silence as he glared at the distant wall...

“Shut up Nishimura..”

“Bullsh*ts, you look like your about to snap someones neck *chuckles*”

“Stop talking like your familiar with me.. Im only doing this to show some good sides on Haruto *glares at Yuno*”

“You arent the only one doing so *smirks*”

“But... That camera flick he hear at the classroom.. Was it you?”

Akira asked as he looked coldly at Yuno

“No.. How can i do that when i was holding Haru when that happened? *shrugs* But...”

“There must be someone among those students..”

“I cant narrow down a suspect as no one talks to Haru alot..”

“You threatened them right..?”

“No~ just a little talking thats all”


“Hmmm...The class president..”

“What about that a**hole?”

“I think he might be responsible...”

“Even tho his creepy you cant just say that”

He said as he ran his hand through his silky blonde hair

“I know you bast*rd jeez.. But im sure its him..”

“How come?”

“Why should i tell you?”

Yuno raised an eyebrow as he teased Akira who got pissed

“Just f*cking tell me you b*stard”

He angrily said as Yuno laughed while raising hoth hands as surrender before putting on a serious face again..

“I notice him everynow and then looking at Haru with the desire to do something to him and would glare at me when im near him...”

“That doesn’t explain the problem idiot”

“I saw him too..”


“Shimizu Sakura, remember her?”

“Yeah, that victim of a murder, what about it?”

“On the day she confessed to Haru, i followed behind him as i noticed someone following him too.. I hid behind a pillar and peeked at the person as Shimizu confessed her feelings.... Know who i saw there standing angrily?”

Yuno asked while smirking as he turned to Akira whi was listening carefully

“Shouji Touya.. That f*cker was standing beside a pillar while holding a pen and a book and as Shimizu spoke, his face was reddening in anger and his pen also snapped into two”

“And the next day..”

“Shimizu Sakura died..”

“Maybe it can be a coincidence..?”

“Then.. Lets wait for another girl to confess *smirks* if she dies we know the killer”

“Huh... you arent stupid after all”

“I told you im not jeez...”

     [ To be continued...]

- ohoho suspect #1 ditected!! Is the one who also went inside Harus room also Shouji? Or is it the two? Please stay tuned to fined out!! See you in the next chapter!!

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