{Chapter 7}

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(Haruto POV...)

“Here you go..”

Tsubaki-san said handing me the empty lunchbox as i smiled at him

“Shall i start bringing extra food to school Tsubaki-san? *giggles*”

I asked teasing him as he slightly shrugged

“Depends..I’ll be going to the bathroom for a moment “

He said as he stood up and went out

“Hey~~ your forgetting about me now Haruu!!”

Yuno whined as i laughed at him and patted his head as he froze

“Anything wrong Yuno?”

I asked retreating my hand as i put my lunchboxes inside my bag

“Oh nothing, i just remembered how soft your hands are”

“whats that about? *laughs*”

“ *blushes* n-nothing..”

“Hey, Haru”


“You wanna try sleeping over at my house?”

Yuno asked with a tint of excitement in his tone as i thought for a moment..

“Hmm.. I’ll have to ask for permission first before doing so”

“Okay!! Then after a few weeks I’ll invite you over, make sure to say it to your parents okay?”

“I will~”

“If you dont ask them I’ll be mad at you”

“I will haha”

“Oh yeah i just remembered”

“What is it?”

“We have a practice later”


“Yeah, we have practice thrice a week”

“Oh~ *nods*”

“Then whenever you have a match call me except for practices, i dont wanna bother you”

“When did you became a bother to me *scoffs*”

“Sports festival is still far right?”


“I dont really have good stamina so i wont be joining”

“Oh, yeah i just remembered that you dont really have a good complex when we walk around the school”


“On your previous school, did you also join the basketball club?”

“Oh you bet i did haha! I was one of the strongest you know *winks*”

“Hmmm now that i think about it, i also had a cousin, he was a year younger than me, he’s rally good at sports especially basketball! Back then he would always go to our mansion to play and he would always stick close to me *chuckles*”

“What was your cousins name?”

“Tachibana Hayato, he was pretty much obsessed with me when we were little, i would often find cameras around my room which were planted by him haha”

“Wait you werent weirded out by that?”

“Well, we were still around 7-8 those days so i just let it slide”

“Woah thats some cousin you got there”

“He would always glare at the people who would talk to me and hug me like how you do hahaha! I find alot of similarities in you guys!”

“Tch, dont compare me to other people Haru, im only like this when im with you *smiles*”


“Oh nothing haha!”

Was it just my imagination or.... No it’s probably just an hallucination, no person could change that quickly...

Meh whatever..

I then took out my phone and sent the pictures i took to my mom and waited for her to see it

“What’re you smiling on about?”

He asked trying to glance at my phone as i showed him

“I sent our pictures to my mom so she could see! *smiles*”

“Im back..”

Tsubaki-san said as he sat down on his seat


A notification popped up as i looked at my phone

‘Another article about the case’

I thought as i pressed it and started reading it

‘The identity of the teenager has been discovered
<Shimizu Sakura,15 y/o, studies as XXX high school> While the victims identity has been discovered, the killer hasnt been yet, no DNAs were found on the said that was the wepon for the killing’

“Shimizu Sakura..?”

“Hm? You mean the girl who confessed to you yesterday? Why’re you mentioning her? Wait-! *gasp* Dont tell me you have feelings for her!”


“Of course not! Jeez, im mentioning the name of the victim who got killed last night”

“What? Its her? Let me see”

I then handed him the phone as he red the article

“I guess it is her, after mentioning that she studies here means that its really her, here you go”

“Hmm... Its really disturbing that the first victim was a student here”


“Her face got smashed right?”

Tsubaki-san said as we looked at him


“Hmm..If we think about it, maybe the killers target are women, but the autopsy report said that there werent any signs that she was r*ped, or was somehow touched by the suspect, that means that the suspect on loose is just k*lling for entertainment while the people panic..”

“You have a point”(Y)

“We should still watch out, even if were guys doesnt mean that were safe..”


I then sighed before turning off my phone

“Dont worry too much Haru, the police will find the suspect soon”

“I sure hope so..”



“How can you be so cute even tho your frowning ah~”

A mysterious guy said while looking at his computer screen while covering his mouth blushing hardly

“Ahh~~ i feel relieved killing her mmm~~ now where should i put this? Hmm...”

He said holding pictures of Haruto while looking around the dark room which was already full of Harutos pictures which he also took, even the ceiling was already full

“I guess ill have to put you up later Haru, now... What should i do with those flies?”

He said glaring hardly on the other two guys which were with Haruto

“Your fate will come soon..”

[ To be continued....]

-ohoho an obsessive stalker here wonder who it is! Please stay tuned if you want to find out! And see you in the next chapter!!

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