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Here is the intro!


-no one knows what dream, annex's or sapnaps real name is

-Covid does not exist

- please read every single word of something doesn't make sense reread the paragraph or last couple paragraphs and if it still doesn't make THEN you can comment

- this is a Dream x oc not a dream x reader so please don't comment things like "I would never do that" or things like that

-dream and Natalie live next to each other but have no idea

- if there is a spelling mistake please comment but refrain from commenting negative things about my writing this is my first book/fanfic so it's not going to be amazing

- if I have gone over people boundaries instead of just tsking comment instead so that I can change it, I have done research prior but not everything might be perfect

-make sure to read the author note if you can, it won't have that many important things in it but I would recommend reading it

-last thing is it against sapnaps boundaries to have writers use his real name? Other authors have done it but I have read multiple times that it's against his boundaries so I haven't used his name and instead used a made up name which is Adam but that will be changed if I can use his real name

-oc's pronouns are she/her

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