She looked much more serene than any other time. Her long and beautiful dark brown hair ran down her back and flowed with the cold breeze. Not even a sigh was heard as she just sat there in pure silence. Even though I was one story above her and had a decent amount of distance between us, I could tell she was dipping her fingers in the water in circular motions.

But what made my eyebrows furrow was the moment she hugged her knees with both of her arms and buried her face in them. Next, a sob. I would've at least tried to gain her attention, but part of me still held a certain indignation towards her. So I watched her begin to break down in the quietest way with a blank stare.

Out of everyone she's the most complex woman I've met. She'd make the perfect fatale if I'm being honest. She's absolutely gorgeous, plus she's skilled when it comes to fighting. But what I think she doesn't understand is that she doesn't need to be fighting all the time and that it's fine to show weakness. Gives me the idea that she just wants things to be done her way, and only hers.

My eyes were glued to her, just examining her behavior while crying in silence, and alone. I wonder how often did this happen, or if this was the first time. I suppose she wasn't like this when everything started, but that it all apparently had a special meaning to her and she was keeping it all to herself.

I wanted to help Gabriella, but after what happened earlier I doubt I'll trust her that much. I have to keep my distance, no matter how much she pulls me in.

No matter how much she makes me crave her.

I have to ignore her and focus on my business, which is work. There's no room for anything else. No feelings, no soft spots, no nothing. Like Gabriella said, just find whoever's targeting us and get rid of them. Then part ways and get lost.

The moment where she rose to her feet and wiped her tears arrived. When she looked up with her back facing the pool, I took a quick step back so she wouldn't spot me. I assumed she then walked back inside because I heard the sliding door open and then close again.

When she was gone, I decided to make my way back to my room and locked the balcony's door behind me. I think I'll try sleeping...

. . .

"Come in," I called out after I heard a knock on the other side of my office's door.

Denise was the one that came in, holding a laptop. "Mr. D'Amico, I managed to track down Gerardo, the dude from the security camera." She addressed while approaching the desk and placing down the device.

"What'd you find?" I asked after placing down my cup of coffee and pushed the papers I was working on away.

"I decided to hack into his phone, but the call history is clear and so are his messages. I checked his gallery but it's empty. Though, he's got a reminder on for a reservation at the Nightclub tonight at 11pm." She explained while stepping beside me to show me the man's file, which was updated with new information. "I also broke into the Nightclub's system, and he's has a history for visiting it once a week at the same time. The private room 3B is practically his by now."

Tonight, huh? We can't really afford to wait until next week to find him. Plus, it's still 2pm so we could have enough time to arrive at Spain and intercept him there. I think the quicker the better. "We could start getting ready and get there tonight,"

"But we might need to send someone to distract him and get him to a much more private place." She replied with a raised eyebrow as her crystal blue eyes scanned over my expression.

"Actually, we might need two to get him somewhere. And the only options would be you and Díaz," I shrugged, giving her a suggestive look. Her shoulders slumped at this and her lips pursed.

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