Forbidden Love at Waterloo Road

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“Hey, dad? You seen my tie?” I shouted down the stairs, I was standing at the top of the stairs in my shirt and skirt which just fell short of my thighs. My dad walked out of the living room and looked up at me “Erm, yeah think it’s on the clothes horse. And you might wanna hurry up or we’ll be late” My dad shouted, I sighed and ran down the stairs and into the living room. “Kaits, you realise you probably won’t have enough time to eat before we go” my dad said, I shrugged and pulled the tie off of the clothes horse. I walked over to the mirror and pulled my red and yellow tie over my shirt and quickly tied it. “Come on then” I said, I grabbed my bag and walked to the door, my dad walking behind. I sat in the car and shoved my earphones in my ear and started to blast my music, ignoring my dad telling me to turn it down. “Right, remember I’ll probably call you to my office sometime today if I hear anything about your mother” Dad said, I nodded and got out of the car. I smiled when I saw Jodie and Rhiannon walking towards me “Heya” I said and walked over to them. “Hi” Jodie said, she was reading a letter and not paying attention to anything else. “What’s up?” I asked, starting to walk towards the school, I listened as Jodie explained about her brother being moved to a new foster home. “What so they’re moving him to the other side of England?” I asked, I hadn’t even realised that I’d walked with them all the way to the PRU “Oh” I said as Miss Boston came out and shouted at me to get to class, I waved to Scout and Rhiannon and walked away and down the stairs. I wasn’t even paying attention, I was on my phone texting my sister so didn’t notice the boy in front of me and walked straight into him. I felt his hands round my back and stopped me from falling “Oh erm thanks” I said awkwardly then looked up at him. I didn’t say anything as my breath caught in my throat, his dark eyes and hair, just his face in general. “Barry…Barry Barry” he said, I almost chocked from trying not to laugh at his name, I quickly covered it up by coughing “Sorry…How come you’re erm named twice?” I asked, I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. “Well I’m so great that they named me twice” Barry said with a smirk. “And who are you then?” I looked up at Barry and let my red lips form into a smile “Kaitlin…Kaitlin Byrne” I said and held out my hand. He took it firmly in his own and looked at me. “Byrne…You’re erm Mr Byrne’s daughter?” He asked, I sighed and nodded but jumped a little when I heard a woman shouting from down the corridor “Barry! What the hell are you doing?! Take your sister to where you’re supposed to be!” The woman shouted, she dragged along a girl behind her, if she hadn’t said sister, I would have thought she was a boy. “Sorry babe, you’re gonna have to leave ma boy alone, heads down that’s all we’re doing at this school, ain’t tha’ right, Barry” The woman said, she put a firm grip on Barry’s shoulder and walked him away. I guessed she was his mother but I instantly didn’t like her…not one bit. I sighed and walked down the hall to where my English class was. “Where’ve you been, Kaitlin?” Mr Clarkson asked as I walked through the door “Got held up” I simply said and walked over to my seat and sat down next to Jack. We’d only been in the lesson for half an hour when my phone buzzed in my pocket; I looked over at Mr Clarkson and pulled my blackberry out when I saw him marking papers. I opened the text but froze when I read it, I had to read it again and didn’t even notice Mr Clarkson standing over me “Hand it over, Kaitlin” his voice startled me; I looked up at him before grabbing my bag and rushing out the classroom. I walked down the hall, down the stairs and down another corridor until I got into the dining hall. I sat down on one of the seats and dialled my sister’s number “Jasmine?” I said when she answered the phone “What’s happened? Is she okay?” I asked franticly, I put my fingers in my mouth and started biting as I listened to Jasmine speak “Right…Jas? Just hold in there…I’ll talk to my dad and I’ll come as soon as I can, I love you” I said, we blew kisses down the phone and I put the phone down and threw it in my bag. I put my head down on the table and allowed myself to start crying, I’d been sat there for a good 5 minutes when I heard someone cough. Looking up I jumped when I saw Barry sitting across from me “D…Don’t do that…” I said, I wiped my eyes trying to stop my crying so I didn’t look like a prat with my make-up smudged. I looked at Barry and he smiled at me “What’s happened?” He asked, it actually sounded like he generally cared but I knew what boys like him were like, lure you in acting like they care then throw you away once they’ve had a good shag. I sighed and looked at him “My mum…she’s erm she’s in hospital…she’s in a coma…” I said, I looked away from Barry feeling the tears start again. “Oh…I’m sorry…If you don’t mind me asking…What happened?” He asked, I looked back and saw him bite his lip a little as if nervous. “She erm…She was…she was in a real bad car crash and she got brain damage from it…” I said, I looked over Barry’s shoulder and saw my dad standing at the door of the dining hall “I have to go” I said and quickly picked up my bag and walked towards the door. “Come on, we’ll talk in my office” dad said, he put his arm round my shoulders and led me to his office. “Can you get some tea and biscuits please, Sonya and bring them in” My dad said to the school secretary, she nodded and walked out the office while my dad and I walked into his office. “First off, Kaitlin, I want you to stay away from Mr Barry Barry well all the Barry’s for that matter” he said, I sighed and took a seat “He was only asking what was wrong…” I said, I looked up as my dad sat down “And that’s what I’m worried about, he may seem like a good kid, nice and caring but he isn’t, Kaitlin, he get expelled from his last school for attacking a teacher so just stay away from him, please! Now…are you gonna tell me why you stormed out of English and why you were crying?” Dad asked, he leant forwards in his chair and rested his elbows on the desk. “I-They’re turning mum’s support off…” I stammered before bursting into tears. My dad just stared at me “What…Why?” He asked, I didn’t answer him, not straight away anyway. “The doctor’s said it’s pointless leaving them on…The brain damage is too big…” I said through sobs. It was my dad’s turn to stay silent this time but after a bit, he got up from his chair and walked round to my side. He knelt down in front of me and hugged me tight. “I’ll take you to see her tonight” He said, I nodded and carried on hugging him. We suddenly pulled apart when the office door opened, “Ah Michael, just the person I wanted to see” Loraine said, walking into the office. I grabbed my bag and walked out going to my next lesson.

“You okay, darling?” dad said, he looked over at me then back at the road, I just grunted and carried on looking out the window. As soon as we got to the hospital, I jumped out the car and started running towards where I knew mum’s room was. I flung the door open and let my sister run into my arms and we started crying together. After just over an hour of talking with the doctors, it was decided…they were going to turn the machine off tonight. I looked around at all the people here…Me, Jasmine, dad, Nan, granddad, Auntie Tris, Uncle George and mum’s husband-Jasmine’s dad-Robbie. The doctor left the room so we could say our good-byes to mum, after an hour it was finally my turn. I sat down on the chair next to her bed and put my hand in her almost cold ones “Mum…I love you so much, you were always there for me no matter what happened in life, you were there, I know I didn’t get on with Robbie at first but I made it work…just for you and I’ll carry on making it work for you because I love you! I’ll look after Jasmine no matter what and I promise, I’ll miss you but I know I’ll see you again eventually” I said but let the tears start to spill. Jasmine came over and sat down with me, I looked at her and she rested her head on my shoulder. We stayed like that for nearly 15 minutes just crying together when the door opened again “You ready?” The doctor asked, I didn’t look up or anything but I knew that everyone had discussed all this with the doctor. “Now, I know that this is a hard time for all of you especially her two daughters but it’s for the best, if we don’t do this she’d die of pain” the doctor said, I looked up now and held my sister close as the doctor walked over to the machine. I and Jasmine blew our mum a kiss and I hid Jasmine’s hid into my chest as the doctor switched off the machine.

“Are you okay?” Dad asked in the car on the way home, I didn’t answer, just looked out the window the whole way back. When we pulled up outside the house I finally spoke “I’m gonna stay over at Scout and Rhiannon’s” and got out the car. Dad didn’t protest, he didn’t say no, just let me pack my bag and go over to the student house. “Hey, Kaits” Scout said as she opened the door, she saw my face and threw her arms round me and dragged me into the house. Once I was upstairs with her and Rhiannon I told them about my mum dying, allowing myself to cry as much as I needed to.


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