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"I don't care" I try to reach for the bag and again she pulls it away from me and puts in between her thighs.

I would just grab it myself but she's wearing a skirt.

"I regret not being there for you that day. Te he echado de menos, mi amor" (I've missed you, my love)

Adelina sneakily places her hand on my belt and leans in for a kiss.

I really don't want to ruin my chances of getting the acid.

But I also can't betray Elvire.

So I move my head away subtly right before Adelina can kiss me. "Can I just get the acid?"

She changes the topic. "I have the house to myself this weekend, we can do whatever you want?"

"I don't think that's a good idea" I let her down easy. I'd be cursing up a storm if she wasn't holding my acid hostage.

"Well like I said, the whole weekend I have the house. So anytime you're available-"

"I'd rather not" I said in simpler terms.

"Why are you being like this? I already apologize for Friday and I even bought you you're fucking drugs"

"I have yet to hear an apology." and I've yet to even hold the acid.

"Because I'm not the one in the wrong. You should still be begging for me back but because of that black girl, you're acting like I don't exist."

Wait a minute... "How do you know about Elvire?"

"Elvire...? I'm talking about Jocelyn."

We both look at each other confused.

Adelina says, "your mommy comes home for one night and you just hook up with any bitch lying around?"

"Don't start with me" I warn her. I may have been on a roll this weekend but she's cheated on me left and right.

"I didn't start shit. You did"

"Don't act innocent Adelina. I saw Marcus snap about loving a Sagittarius Latina who can suck dick. I only know one bitch that fit that description"

"Oh grow up, it's giving insecure".

"Nah mamas you're bop."

She switches up immediately, "Lake you know I love you. Marcus means nothing to me. You're the only one I want"

"Look I don't care. You're free to do whatever you want with whoever you want. But don't get pressed when I do the same"

"Lake please, this break has gone on long enough. It's time we get back toget-"

I cut her off, "Break? Adelina there's no break. We're done."

"Don't say that"

"I'm actually glad you didn't take me back Friday night. I got to see a glimpse of what true love is supposed to look like that night with Elvire. More than I ever saw with you."

I look Adelina in the eyes and see them filled with tears. I don't want to make her cry but she needs to hear this.

I hold eye contact with her when I say, "you can stop all that I love you shit, I don't feel the same."

I know it stung for her to hear me say that. No matter how many times we've argued, broken up, or she's cheated, I've never once told her I didn't love her... until now.

Adelina clears her throat and wipes her tears away, "mm you know what?"


She gets out the car then shoves all the LSD into her mouth. I didn't count them but there looked to be over 5 pills in the bag.

I get out the car and quickly try to get her to spit them out. Unlike me, Adelina doesn't do any type of drugs. No smoking, snorting, vaping, nor drinking. She definitely can't handle that much LSD.

I know it's rare for people to overdose and die on acid but that doesn't mean I want to take that chance.

"Párale!" (cut it out) I yell as I try to hold her chin to get her mouth open.

She chews on the pills before spitting them out in my face. "Kiss my ass" she says before laughing hysterically.

The capsule had opened so now I had the powder all over my face.

Real fucking mature.

"I wish you choked" I said as I wipe the residue off my face.

She continues to giggle, "I'll be chocking on Marcus's dic-"

I grab her arms and shake her. I yell, "What about overdosing is fucking funny to you?!? You could've die-"

Her smiles fades as she stares into my eyes, "and what's it to you? You've already found my replacement"

"I swear to god Adelina don't make me-"


I tighten my grip on her arms as I press her back on to her car.

I find myself leaning into her and her doing the same. Just like we always did whenever we got into a heated argument.

She'd make me physically shake because I'm so upset then we'd just make out and act as if everything is okay.

But I take a second to think to myself, nothing here is okay and it will never be okay.

Our lips touch for just a fraction of a second before I break it up.

"We're done". I back away and take some deep breaths.

There's nothing here worth fighting for to get me this heated.

If she wants to do drugs and OD that's on her. If she wants Marcus, she can have him.

Because as long as I have Elvire, I'm winning.

The moment her feet is back on the ground she balls her hand in a fist and take a clean right hook at my face.

Adelina doesn't do no regular punches, she's a trained boxer. My face feels like it's on fire and I could swear I felt my jaw click.

"We're not done until I say we are" she said.

When I look up again she's already off with the same rat ass friends from before.

Adelina's a fucking cunt and her bop bitch ass crew can all suck my dick.

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