KazuLumi- Oh Really?

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I ain't dead yet yay. Sorry if this feels a little rushed hehe (it actually is kinda rushed). also this is an au. but if i make any major mistake pls do tell me. anyways, i hope you enjoy!

Word Count- 1498


Jean was sitting in her office as usual, looking through some bills and letters people had sent her. She was currently reading a letter from someone in Springvale. Apparently, the little pond there almost blew up. Jean sighed. Looks like someone was going to get grounded again...

Jean wrote an apology letter to be sent back to Springvale, and proceeded on to the next letter. It looked pretty important. Jean opened it and read the contents of the letter, her eyes widening in shock...

Jean let go of the paper and rushed out of her office. The paper slowly floated down and lay there on the floor.

It was a decree issued by the Tsaritsa from Shezhnaya. It stated that 'All nations without an Archon would be thereafter taken over by the Tsaritsa. Failure in cooperation could lead to serious consequences.'

Coming back to Jean, her expression was the angriest ever as she rushed around calling all the knight captains. She was so mad that she ran around, bursting into people's office. Albedo almost dropped acid on his toes when she just banged open his door.

Meanwhile, 2 kilometers away, a similar letter was sent to the Qixing in Liyue. The Yuheng and The Tianquan agreed that now the Fatui had gone too far.

Jean was mad and Keqing and Ninguangg finally agreed on to something. The Tsaritsa had fucked up.

Meanwhile in the faraway land of Inazuma, this letter did not stir up too much trouble. Inazuma had an archon after all.


"Hey Kazuha... did you hear about the new decree issued by the Tsaritsa?", Lumine asked as she and Kazuha stood on the deck of the ship, staring off into the distance. "I think so... isn't it something about The Fatui trying to take over all cities?" "Haha, not all cities silly! The decree says its for those with no archon..." "Oh... so what do you think Mondstadt and Liyue are going to do?" Actually, Kazuha knew what they were doing. But he wanted to spend more time and talk to Lumine as long as he could...

Afterall, isn't that what you want to do with the person you love?

"Well, they are resisting. When they refused to co-operate, Fatui agents were sent to attack both cities. The Knights in Mondstadt and the Millelith in Liyue both fought bravely and won... apparently Mondstadt and Liyue had joined forces and were sharing to each other the intel they gathered... so both cities were ready and prepared." Lumine continued- "I honestly think that the Tsaritsa isn't taking this seriously... and this decree sounds so ridiculous; it sounds like something a certain ginger I happen to know, would suggest...", Lumine muttered out the last part but Kazuha heard it of course, with his overly sensitive... hearing. He chuckled a bit at what Lumine said, as Paimon, Lumine's faithful companion came back from bullying someone to give her free food on the ship...

Let's not talk about that.

Promising that she would meet Kazuha again the next day, Lumine left the ship. As she walked away, Kazuha could hear her scolding Paimon and Paimon protesting the best she can, her mouth filled with chicken-mushroom skewers.

Kazuha stood still for a bit and then collapsed and just sat there on the floor of the deck, staring down. Lumine had been visiting him quite often these days, he noticed. This thought made his face very red, redder than before. When Lumine came she stood a bit too close to him, closer than she ever had and this had made Kazuha' s face slightly red, complimenting his hair. Luckily Lumine just thought it was the cold breeze or something that made his nose and cheeks turn red.

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