AlbeLumi- Feeling Love

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(Slight angst? Very, very slightly obsessive and yandere. This is a filler chapter I was inspired to write after doing the new event. No spoilers though, its just something most of us already know-u


"Hey, traveller? Can I maybe talk to you for a moment, alone, before you leave? We can head to my campsite if you can talk right now. You can warm up there."

How will I tell her?

"Sure!", Lumine replied, as her oh-so-mesmerizing eyes looked towards Albedo. She looked so cute and happy, just standing there, in front of her easel. She shifted her focus from her painting to Albedo, as she replied to him, her eyes shining with excitement.

She was happy around him, Albedo. She was excited about talking to him.

Albedo observed all this, as his heart fluttered. Dragonspine's cold made one's cheeks pink with cold, but Albedo's cheeks weren't all that cold but very pink.

They soon reached the campsite, Paimon heading towards the kitchen, where some leftover Sunshine Splatter from lunch was kept. So Paimon sat by the cooking pot (which had fire underneath) and enjoyed her little snack. Her stomach full, she decided to take a nap. (I know I keep making Paimon sleep pls bear with me >_<)

Albedo and Lumine stood on the other side of the camp. "Soo... what was it you wanted to tell me, chief alchemist?", Lumine said tilting her head a little to the side.

You can trust her Albedo. She deserves to know. How else can you gain her trust and love if you keep secrets from her?

"Lumine, I am not human."





"You heard me right Lumine. And before I elaborate on this... I want to tell you something else..."

"When I said that you are like the humans in Teyvat, and there was nothing different about you other than my lo- ah no, I mean, your capability to use elemental energy without a vision? Well, there was one thing I didn't tell you..."

I love you so much.

Albedo quickly removed that from his head. He couldn't tell her that now, not when he just told her that he isn't human. His face turned red and he got all flustered thinking about confessing...

"L-lumine, the potion you drank, it left a sediment. And... that wasn't supposed to happen. I am still researching about it but..."

"As about me, its true, I am not human. I am of synthetic origins and was built by the alchemist Rhinedottir. I am... a homunculus. To put it in brief, I am a work of alchemy, made with chalk. And... I am way older than what I look..."

"I was made almost 500 years ago, during the... the Khaenri'ah incident..."

Lumine stayed in shock. She didn't know what to say.

"Please say something Lumine, I have never told this to anyone... please say something Lumine..."

Please don't leave me because of this Lumine, I love you...

Albedo had told Lumine a secret he claims he never told anyone. If this is true... then he trusts her. A lot. So it was only fair for Lumine to trust him too and tell him her own little secrets.

"I... I am sorry Albedo. I didn't mean to make you worry... its just that... I am in quite a shock, not about myself but about you. And I am glad you trust me this much... but I have to ask... why me? What I mean is, why... did you tell me, an outlander?"

Albedo thought hard.

Its because I love you Lumine.

Oh, the number of times he says that in his head. One day, he might accidently say it out loud without meaning to...

But then, he thought about it... why did he love her?

"Lumine... I realized that, we both don't belong to this world. You, an outlander and me... well, what I am trying to say is that we both are similar, strangers to this world."

Not only that but also because you are you Lumine. You are so kind and helpful. So amazing. So nice. So beautiful. I always wondered, when I met you, why do you come to me? Why do you like seeing me? All I do is conduct experiments on you, yet you came to me every time I called, and you would almost every time get something for me, wether its something needed for alchemy or just a dish you cooked. A dish you cooked especially for me.

I wondered and wondered about this for a long time, until I just came to the conclusion-

You care about me.

And this thought made my heart flutter, my face red, and spread this pleasant, warm feeling throughout my body, the like of which I had never felt before. I wasn't supposed to feel human emotions, but you, Lumine, changed that... in a way, you achieved a great feat in alchemy...

How did this happen? I wasn't even capable of feeling basic emotions properly, like happiness, sadness, anger. But you came into my life, and made me fall so deeply in love with you... how did you do it? On some days and some nights, when I miss you too much, I just like to think that you are right beside me. And this makes me so, so happy... and I wonder, is this what love feels like? But every time you come and talk to me, I feel this new burst of emotions, it feels like my heart is the biggest, brightest flower which burst into full bloom when I saw you. When you hug me, I just feel like holding you there, forever, never letting you go. You complete me Lumine. You make me feel whole. I want to make you mine; so, so badly... I love you so much Lumine...

"Albedo, I... want to tell you something too..."

Lumine's angelic voice snapped Albedo out of his daze.

Oh, how I wish I could keep that voice with me only, forever...


"I too am... I too don't look as old as I am."

"I am actually more than 500 years old and..."

Lumine then told Albedo everything she found out about Khaenri'ah and about Dainsleif. Except about her brother being the Prince. Because honestly, even Lumine wasn't ready to believe and accept that, let alone tell someone...

Albedo was stunned, as he listened to her story.

"Lumine, this just made us all the more similar. That's good right? At least now we can support each other..."

Lumine acknowledged my trust. She trusted me enough to tell me her secrets. Oh Lumine, you don't realize what you have done, do you? Even if I would want to fall out, I wont be able to fall out of love with you...


Words- 1129

I hope you enjoyed! KazuLumi is on its way... VenLumi wanters will get what they want, just a little bit later...

I am planning to make a yandere genshin character x reader oneshot book, also, if requested, it will contain  general genshin character x reader oneshots. Are you guys willing to check it out and read it? XD

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