XiaoLumi: The Karmic Debt Part1

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I might make some mistakes because I haven't really done the quest in which we meet Xiao yet... anyways this is an AU and most things might be different. Please forgive me for any kind of mistakes and please correct me. Please read it till the end I have put a note.

Anyways pls enjoy the story!


Lumine slowly climbed up the stairs of Wangshu Inn with Paimon floating beside her. She stepped slowly since apparently a few stairs of Wangshu Inn were already broken and she did not want to break anymore of them. She would have to fix them and it will be more work for her anyways...

She finally reached the balcony of the Wangshu Inn. She leaned out over the railing. The moon was out and a slight breeze was blowing. It was a pleasant night, not too cold. As she stood there admiring the view, she heard something, or someone move behind her. Startled, she turned around and loosing her footing, she fell over the railing. Paimon, who had been floating a bit away from Lumine, heard Lumine scream and floated in her direction and screamed for help. But there was no one over there except them.

Lumine screamed for help as she fell to what she assumed would be a horrible pain in the morning. She and her brother, Aether had reunited for real this time, just 5 months ago... there was so much they wanted to do together in Teyvat... as she closed her eyes and braced herself for impact, she felt a hand on her waist and the feeling of rushing air through her hair. She could smell the forest and a hint of almond tofu as her head rested on the person's shoulder. She immediately knew who it was. "Xiao...", Lumine murmured as she sighed and buried her face in the crook of his neck.


Xiao had his strong arms wrapped around Lumine after he saved her. He did not want to see her fall again; it was horrible enough first time as it is... she said something but he couldn't hear it because of the sound of rushing air. Paimon was right behind them, with a relieved look on her face. Lumine still hadn't opened her eyes, poor girl must have been very scared. As she buried her face in his neck, Xiao's face temperature shot up and he became red. She really knew how to fluster him... and she wasn't even doing it on purpose.

As they landed safely on the ground, Xiao put Lumine on her feet and she slowly opened her beautiful eyes. As Xiao stared into them, he remembered about the time when he fell in love with them. With her. He had been very cautious around Lumine t first, seeing as she was an outlander, from another world. Who knows what powers or secrets she could possess? He had also heard of her strange ability to be able to use elemental powers without a vision. He decided to keep an eye on her after the first tie he met her. He was just very curious... he had never shown any interest whatsoever in a mere mortal but who knows... maybe this traveler wasn't a mortal after all.

He watched her all day. He watched as she helped anyone in need. Anyone who had a request, she would try her best to fulfill it. After a long day, he finally went back to Wangshu inn and thought about Lumine. Why was she helping these people? Did she just want to do good deeds? Or was there a bigger purpose behind this all? As he sat there pondering over his thoughts, he heard a light footstep behind him. He immediately stiffened and turned around, with his spear in his hand, and pointed it towards the intruder. It was Lumine. She had a covered plate in her hand and a startled expression on her face. Xiao lowered his spear. "Oh... its you...", he muttered as Lumine sat down beside him. "Good evening, Xiao. How are you doing today? Here, I got something for you", Lumine said smiling as she handed him the plate of almond tofu. Xiao looked at it cautiously then took it from her hands.

"What brings you here, traveler?", Xiao asked as he ate a spoon of his tofu. It was delicious, honestly the best one he had in a while. "Oh nothing... Verr Goldet told me that you like almond tofu and so I made some for you... I just wanted to see how you were doing..." Xiao nodded his head slowly. This was followed with a comfortable silence that Lumine broke by saying, "Well, I guess I will leave then..." as Lumine got up, Xiao held her back by grabbing onto her arm. "I wanted to ask you something". "Yes?", Lumine replied as she sat back next to Xiao. "What are you doing here in Liyue traveler?" "Well... I came here hoping to get some leads about my brother" "Your brother?", "Yes, we got separated trying to fight an unknown god. I have been trying to find him since then...", "Then... then why were you helping those people? Isn't it taking up your time and delaying you?" "I... I just felt like it. I like helping people."

"I see...", Xiao replied finishing his almond tofu. that's when his karma struck him. It was his hand this time and it was very painful. As he clutched his hand and screwed his face in pain, he told Lumine to go away. But Lumine refused to leave. She stayed by his side. When Xiao asked her how is she helping, she replied with a bit of an angry expression, "You told me the pain feels less when I am there." She tried to use bandages and medicines but obviously all that didn't work on karmic debt.

As his pain slowly began to fade away Lumine went to get him some water. She came up soon and handed him the glass. And then kept a small package in front of him. "What is this?", Xiao asked. "Well... after I helped a person, they gave me some offerings to adepti they sell in their shop. So... I decided to give it to you!", Lumine said giving Xiao a bright smile. "Huh, people offer to adepti so that they fulfill their wishes. I can't do that you know. I am not good ..." "Of course, you are good! Who said you aren't?" "Well... you see this pain I felt, it's my karmic debt, for eons of slaughter"

"Well, that isn't your fault! You did nothing wrong! You just gave the bad guys what they deserved. Don't you ever say that you are bad again!" "You have no respect for the adepti.", Xiao said, but he couldn't help it when her words touched his heart and his heart fluttered a bit. What was this feeling? It felt like a mortal feeling but also felt... wonderful...

Why did you help me Lumine, traveler, when I did nothing for you... all I did was be suspicious of you and be cold to you... yet you care so much and made me almond tofu... why? Why do you think of me differently? Why do you make me feel this way... like I want to protect you more than anything, that I want to just hold you, like a fool under your spell, why do I feel like you have broken me in a way no one ever has, in a pleasant way... and made me fall for you so hard that I cannot imagine a single day without you, every moment I spend with you leaves me intoxicated... when you leave, I always feel like a part of me left... because I love you Lumine. And its too late to go back. Even if I want to...


Ok... so there will be a part 2... possibly a part 3. I know this is a oneshot book but... pls spare me I am sorry TvT 

Also, should i post the part 2 for this first or a venlumi story i have been working on?


Are yall pulling for Childe??

Lumine Harem// OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora