Chapter Thirty One

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Chapter Thirty One

The finally reached the common room after stopping on each floor to find some Custodians that were able to help them with the royals. Lexi had managed to get eight Custodians.

Lexi scanned the common room for Alpha Redclaw. She didn't see him at first glance, she noticed that most of the vamps had been killed and only a couple remained fighting the custodians. There was two injured custodians laying under one of the pool tables, blood was leaking from a wound from one of the custodians next while the other looked to have a broken arm. Lexi turned back to Sam "Stay here, I'm just going to go see if they are able to move from there" She said pointing to the two guys hiding under the table.

Sam nodded his head at her.

She quickly made her way across to the pool tables and ducked underneath them "Hey are you guys able to walk?" She asked the.

They looked at each other before looking back at Lexi and nodding their head "Great" She said "We are going to be escorting the royals to the church where it is safe, there should be a first aid kit there so come with us" She tells them before ducking back out from under the table. As soon as she was standing she bent down and extended her hand to the guy with the wound around his neck and helped pull him out from under the table. She then bent back down and help the guy with the broken arm out. "Come on lets go" She said to them as she made her way back over to Sam.

"I can't see Alpha Redclaw in here" Sam said.

"Yeah I know, he must have moved to a different floor."

"You would have seen him if he had Lexi." Sam said sounding worried.

"He won't be far Sam, he's an Alpha he can take care of himself" She said

"Ok guys" She said turning to the group behind them "We will be heading outside now and we will be making our way to the church. Stick together, doesn't wonder off. If we are attacked don't worry we will fight the vampire just don't panic and run away because we won't be able to help you." She looked each of them in the eyes and waited for them to nod their heads in understanding.

"Good" She said nodding her head.

"Lexi" She heard Chase say.

She frowned and watched as he made his way through the group. "I didn't think you were coming" She said to him.

"I managed to convince my mother that it was a good idea."

"Yeah well keep her away from me or I may throw her in front of a vamp" She said turning her back on him "Ok let's get this over with" She said making her way to towards the large glass doors.

The court yard was eerily quiet, aside from a few dead bodies there was no one around. "It's quiet," Chase said walking up beside her.

"I know" She said

"We should headback in side something feels wrong" he said.

Lexi ignored him and continued walking, they made their way towards the administration building without seeing one vampire. "It too quiet. Where are they?" Sam asked.

"I don't know" Lexi whispered softly "But something doesn't feel right."

"What do we do? Sam asked "Do we keep heading towards the church or go back?"

"I think we should keep going we are not far from the church."

"What if it's a trap?" Chase asked walking up to them.

Lexi let out a loud sigh "I will go ahead and scout out the area, you guys stay here with the royals and the custodians," She said stepping away from them.

Chase's arm shot out and he grabbed her y the arm and stopped her from walking away. "We need to stick together" He said in a low voice.

Lexi looked back at him and noticed his eyes had started to turn completely brown. His wolf was fighting for control. She tugged her arms out of his hand "Like you said it could be a trap, if I go on my own I have a better chance of not being noticed."

Chase shook his head "It's too dangerous"

"Well danger is part of the job description Chase, although you seem to have forgotten that and other responsibilities your job entails."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He growled.

"You left us, you left the royals in Skinners office, what kind of a trained Custodian does that?" She asked.

"My parents were out there!" He said raising his voice.

"So? It's your job to put royals first! That's what we are trained to do. You left a higher royal so you could protect a lower wolf."

"My parents!" He said raising his voice even more.

Lexi shrugged "Whatever Chase, why don't you go back there and stand with your parents." She turned her back on him and then looked at Sam "Keep them safe until I get back, if you need to leave while I am gone, go into the administration building. I will find you"

"Ok Lexi, be careful sweet cheeks" Sam said.

She gave him a small smile and walked away from them. She crept along the side of the building scanning the area around her. When she finally found it to the other end she peeked around the corner to the direction of church. She could see outlines of a lot of people standing there. She quickly but quietly ran up to one of the large trees that were in front of her and hide behind the large trunk. She peeked around and noticed the entire church was surrounded. The fact that they were not standing on the holy ground told Lexi they were vampires.

"Shit" she cursed softly.

Taking one last peek, she ran back to the administration building and made her way back to the others.

"The church is surrounded by vampires" She told Sam as soon as she reached

"What do we do?" He asked her.

Lexi bit her lip as she thought about the options they had. "We could either lead all the royals off the school grounds to somewhere safe, or you can find somewhere to hide inside the administration building until the sun comes up"

Sam let out a deep breath "If the vamps are all at the church then I think we should try and escape the school, we could go to the local church and wait there until morning."

"Good idea" Lexi said nodding her head "Lets tell the others what we have planned" She said walking over to the group.

"The church is surrounded by Vampires"

The royals all gasp "What are we going to do?" One of the lower royals asked.

"Sam and I have decided that it would be best if you left the school grounds and went to the local church and waited there until daylight.

"How are we going to get there?" Lisa, Chase's mate asked.

Lexi looked at Sam "We could pile them all in the school bus and drive them there." Sam nodded his head.

"It's parked out the front of the school, but what about the keys?" He asked.

Lexi let out a frustrated sigh "I don't know where they could be"

"They are on the bus" An older Custodian said walking up to them "The bus has a small safe attached to it under the front door, all we need is the combination to open it. Which I know"

"Well at least something is going out way." Lexi said.

"What about all the vampires at the church, what if they hear us leaving?" Chase's mother asked.

"I will plan something to distract them." Lexi said

"What could you possibly use as a distraction?" His mother sneered.

"Me" Lexi said shrugging her shoulders.


Sorry guys I have not proof read this chapter so I apoligise if it is crap.

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