Chapter Two

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Edited by sweetmissirish

Chapter Two

They entered Principle Skinner’s office to find that there were four Custodians spread out in the room. Lexi was a bit flattered that they felt they needed the extra guards for them. Principle Skinner took her seat behind her desk and looked up at Anne and Lexi.

“Sit!” She ordered. Anne and Lexi sat in the two chairs opposite her desk. Lexi took the opportunity to look around the room; she noticed nothing had changed in the time they were away. Boring old bookshelves still lined the walls and a portrait of some old bird was still hanging behind her desk. Principle Skinner shifted in her chair drawing Lexi attention back to her. Lexi slouched in her chair and crossed her right leg over her left making sure she was comfortable for what she was sure was about to be the longest lecture in history. Principle Skinner looked at Anne.

“Anne, your father and his pack have been worried sick about you. Leaving unprotected from the safety of this school was a reckless thing to do.” she said.

“She was not unprotected, she had me.” Lexi said butting in. Principle Skinner only looked at her for a second before returning her attention back to Anne.

“As I was saying leaving this school unprotected was very reckless thing to do. You’re very lucky a Hunter or, God forbid a Vampire, hadn’t tracked you down.”

Lexi just rolled her eyes at skinners dramatics. They had been gone for four months and not once, in that time, had they came across a Hunter or Vampire. Lexi and Anne were both starting to believe the school was only making up the dangers that they would face outside, to keep all the students from trying to leave. Lexi realised the room had gone quiet so she returned her attention back to Principle Skinner, to find she was staring at her. Lexi looked over at Anne to find she too, was looking at her.

“Er, sorry I must have zoned out. What was the question?” She asked looking sheepishly at Principle Skinner.

Taking a deep breath, “I asked, ‘why should this academy bother trying to teach a reckless wolf, such as yourself?’ You have proven my point nicely, seeing as you can’t even sit here for five minutes and pay attention.” Principle Skinner stated.

“Er, hold on, what are you trying to say? I’m Anne’s Custodian that’s a pretty good reason for me to have to stay.” She said defensively.

“Oh really? If training to become Anne’s custodian is so important to you, then why did you leave?” She asked her. Losing her patience with the Principle, Lexi stood from her seat and slammed her fist on the desk.

“You damn well know why we left! If you would have taken us seriously in the first place, all of this could have been avoided!” She yelled at her.

“Calm yourself Miss Read; I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour.” Principle Skinner said nervously. She may have been Royalty, but she was a lower class royal and didn’t have the dominance to face Lexi head on. Already annoyed with her attitude, Lexi threw her hands in the air.

“Unbelievable.” She mumbled to herself, she then looked over at Anne. “Can you believe this? Out of everything I just said to her, the only thing she paid attention to was my behaviour?” She said shaking her head.

“That’s enough, Miss Read.” Principle Skinner scolded her.

“Lexi,” Anne said in a quiet voice. “You’re not helping our situation.” Sighing deeply, she realised that Anne was right, and sat back down. In a calmer voice, she said,

“Principle Skinner, you, of all people, should have already been well aware of the reason Anne and I left this place. As you were one of the few people we came to, while we were still here, with the problems we were having.” She gave Skinner a look to say, ‘you know what I’m talking about’, before continuing. “When you, and the rest of the people we spoke to, did nothing about our problem, you had left us with no choice but to leave once the problem became worse. So really, the only person to blame for our running away from this place is you, Principle Skinner.” Principle Skinners face had gone a bright red with anger she opened her mouth to no doubt yell at her but was cut off by a deep voice that spoke from behind Lexi.

CustodianOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora