Sick - Atsushi x Reader

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this fanart is so cute OMG

first one-shot for the precious sushi-roll! 

yes, it's the cheesy sick person trope which I decided to write cuz like i said immm sick atm :)


The first thing you noticed when you woke up was your sore throat. 

It's just dry, you thought to yourself as you groggily got up to get some water before getting ready for work. Sniffling, you shuffled through the kitchen feeling generally miserable until you got some water, started a kettle for tea, and collapsed on the couch face first, accepting your fate.

You sat there peacefully, your face in the pillows for about ten minutes, until your phone started ringing. 

With a groan you rolled over, forgetting you were on the couch and fell on the floor with a loud thump. 

Now, with a sore back on top of everything, you were already irritated when you picked up the phone and answered it without checking the caller ID. 

"What do you want?" You snapped in a raspy voice. 

"Morning Y/n-kun, I was calling to see where you are." Kunikida answered levelly and you groaned.

"Sorry Kunikida-san, didn't mean to snap at you. I'm taking a sick day."

You could almost hear the panic as he had to redo his schedule. 

"YOU HAVE A REPORT TO DO AND A MEETING- never mind, it's not your fault." the poor man inhaled sharply. "I expect you to make up the paperwork as soon as you return."




"Uh... feel better soon." The detective hung up and you sighed, closing your eyes.

Kunikida was your assigned mentor person and he tried. You worked mostly with your boyfriend, Atsushi, and occasionally his mentor, Dazai, tagged along. 


You fumbled for your phone again and pressed a favorited contact, listening to the dialing tone. When the white-haired boy didn't answer you frowned and rolled back over on the floor, just wanting to sleep. 

I'm hungry... but I don't feel like making anything, so I guess I'll just starve to death if I don't succumb to my illness first.

Just when you were almost asleep, there was a knock on your door, and you inhaled deeply.

Is the world determined to keep me from sleeping?? 

"Y/n-chan? Kunikida-san told me that you were sick!" Your boyfriend called through the door. 

"Come in." You returned, opening your eyes and wincing as raising you voice hurt your throat. All irritation forgotten at the prospect of attention. 

You heard the door open and the rustling of bags as Atsushi entered your small apartment. "Where are you, Y/n-chan?" He asked, sounding confused. 

"Over here." You groaned and soon Atsushi's face appeared over the back of the couch, looking alarmed as he spotted you on the floor. 

"What happened??" He cried, rushing to your side. "Did you collapse? Or did the mafia take advantage of your sickness and attack you??"

"I rolled off the couch and fell."



"OH!" Atsushi sat up with a cute smile that made you blush for some reason. Stupid cheeks. "I brought over some chazuke to make you feel better, do you want any?"

Your eyes brightened and you nodded, reaching a hand out. 

The white-haired boy grabbed it and pulled you up into a hug. "I'm sorry you're not feeling well, Y/n-chan."

"Thank you, Atsushi-chan." You replied before startling and pushing him away. "Wait! You're gonna get sick!" 

"I'll be fine! I think my immune system got really strong living at the orphanage." He said cheerfully. 

"O-oh ok." Doubtfully, you turned and headed towards the kitchen with the were-tiger trailing after you, grabbing the bag off the table.

You sat down rubbing your head as Atsushi prepared the chazuke. 

"Y/n-chan, open up!" Your boyfriend chirped, holding a bite. 

"W-what?" You stuttered, face turning bright red.

"Open up! I'll feed you!" 

"N-no that's embarrassing!" 

After a bit of back and forth, Atsushi managed to feed a quite flustered you with a bright smile. 

"See! That wasn't too bad!"


You stretched and yawned when you were full. "Now I'm tired."

"Then let's cuddle!" Before you could react, Atsushi had picked you up bridle style and carried you to your room, setting you down on the f/c covers.

"Sushi..." You mumbled, worried about your boyfriend. "I really don't think you should..."

Atsushi only beamed at you. "If I get sick, you'll just have to take care of me too!"

Your stupid face turned red at his adorable expression. Wow, such betrayal from your body there.

"Alright" You gave in and the white-haired boy climbed under the covers with you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close.

You could almost swear you heard him purring as you fell asleep.





"yes?" His words sounded slightly muffled. 

You rolled over to see Atsushi sitting up in bed, looking a little miserable. 

"'re sick aren't you?"

"Kunikida-san is going to kill us..."


aghhhh sorry this is a lot shorter than my usual i'm super swamped with schoolwork I have to make up atm sorry

 but I still hope you enjoyed it!

remember requests are open so if you have any ideas please ask!!

...did i almost forget that it was wednesday and i had to update...? yes, yes i did...

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