Kunikida x Dazai!Sister 💫

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this picture 🥺

You're Dazai's sister but he never told the ADA about you and yea



"OUCH Kunikida-kun, that hurts!!"

"Bandage squandering machine? Can't say I've heard that one before. It's great though, remind me to write it down later, Osamu."

"Not youuu tooo Y/n-chan." The bandaged man in question whined. 

"Who's this?" Kunikida asked, giving you a quick glance over. His sharp green-grey eyes flicking over your figure before meeting your e/c gaze for a second.

She's very pretty... Dazai called her Y/n-chan, they can't be...?

"Y/n." You answered, holding out a hand. Kunikida quickly shook your hand.

"Kunikida Doppo." 

Well mannered... I'd hate to see a guy like Dazai get such a wonderful woman. What are you thinking Kunikida?? You just met the girl!! Plus, you still have two years to meet your ideal woman.

"Nice to meet you." The h/c woman said with a smile before turning to Dazai. "You said you were going to introduce me to your co-workers, remember?"

"Right, right." He replied with a yawn. "You've already met my partner, this stickler for rules." 

Kunikida scowled, glasses flashing as he glanced at his watch. "Yes, and we're both going to be late for work, so hurry up."

"Fine, fineee."

The three of you walked together, Kunikida and Dazai arguing up front with you occasionally butting in from behind them.

"Atsushi-kun!" Dazai called to a white-haired boy sitting in a cafe as they entered a red brick building. 

He immediately jumped up and hurried over. "Dazai-san! Is there something you needed?"

"Nope, just wanted to introduce you to Y/n. Y/n, this is Atsushi, my new subordinate."

The three of you talked for a moment before Kunikida turned on his heel and headed upstairs. Curious, you followed him, leaving Dazai and Atsushi behind.

The blonde didn't seem to notice as you trailed behind, following him up the stairs and then down a hall on the fourth floor. He paused for a moment, looking more relaxed than you'd seen him in the short time you'd known the man.

He's actually kind of hot. Nah, strike that, he's actually really hot. Dazai, why didn't you introduce me sooner?

Kunikida glanced over, and flinched, surprised to see you watching him from down the hall. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment of being caught staring and you swore you saw the man's own face redden.

"May I help you with anything, Y/n-san?"

"Just Y/n-kun." You corrected, walking over. "And no, I just wanted to see where you were going as Osamu and that other kid seemed like they were going to gossip all day."

"Ah..." Kunikida started to open his mouth, glanced at his watch, then closed it again.

 She calls him Osamu, they're obviously very close if they're on a first name basis... wait but she introduced herself as Y/n, what's her last name? Oh whatever, I'm about to be late.

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