The Adventures of Mark Twain- Mark T. x Reader💫

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This is pretty random, but I found a bunch of Mark Twain quotes in this joke book my brother has and decided to write this, so I hope you like it!

You are a member of the Guild along with Mark. For this one-shot I basically found a bunch of Mark Twain quotes and decided to use them to make a one-shot.

And sry if this is OOC there's just not a lot to base Mark's character off of with such a short amount of screentime. 

Your ability: The Whispering Wind, gives you a map of the area in your head, showing where people and things are and where they're about to move.  

 Quotes are in bold.


"Boss called a meeting." You called to your boyfriend, Mark Twain, who was laying on your couch reading a book.

"What does he want now?" Mark replied with yawn.

"I dunno, something about smugglers I think." You replied, leaning over the back of the couch to try and see what he was reading. 

Mark put the book down and smiled at you, his green eyes sparkling. "Well then let's go find out what Fitzgerald wants."

Turns out, he was having a small mental break down over a group of smuggles that had stolen some of the Guild's precious cargo.

He paced his office while you sat on the edge of his desk, Mark standing nearby.

"They're asking us to come retrieve it but it's obviously a trap... OH I KNOW- I'll insist the bring it back here! Then I'll have Hawthorne kill them!!"

"The man who does not read has no advantage over the man that cannot read." Mark replied in a bored voice, tossing a ball in the air and catching it over and over again.

"Are you calling me dumb, Twain??"

"No, I'm saying that they'll realize it's a trap as well." The ginger elaborated with a sigh. You giggled and caught the ball before he did, resulting in a dirty look from the man.

"Well fine then." Francis said in a hurt tone. "If you're so keen on properly catching these guys, then do it yourself."

"Get your facts first, then you distort them how you please. I don't really care what happens to the smugglers, I'm just saying your plan would never work."


"Isn't that Miss Louisa's job?"

"...just do it."

"Nike." You interrupted with a straight face, twirling a strand of your h/c hair around your finger, and the arguing men both turned to glare at you.

"Y/n, you can go with your boyfriend." Francis said, waving his hand as he turned back towards one of his big windows.

"What, no, this sounds boring." You declined, rolling your eyes. 

"As your boss I'm telling you to go with Mark." Francis snapped. 

"Jeez fine, no need to be so grumpy." You grumbled back and your boss sighed, rubbing his temple.

"Just go please, you two are giving me a headache."

"Yessir." You jumped off the desk and grabbed your boyfriend's hand, dragging him out of the big office with you. "C'mon we can make this into a fun little adventure."

You ran down the red carpeted hallways of the Moby Dick and paused at the door.

"Now where do we start..."

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