Christmas with the ADA and PM 💫

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I couldnt find a Christmas image with both the ADA and PM like bruh (T-T) but yea doing this cuz ITS CHRISTMAS TIME BISHESSSSS

anyways yes the image is just PM but this includes both i may do two shorter parts so i can put an ADA photo at the top of one 

enjoy :)


The famous rival organizations had at least one night everyone agreed to truce on: Christmas Eve.  

It wasn't even a truce- it was a full out chaotic party. 

Chuuya usually got drunk as fuck on fancy wines- where did he get off to??- much to Kouyou's distress. And, to her even greater agitation, he always ended up getting into fights with everyone and eventually making out with Dazai under the mistletoe. 

 Dazai, when not otherwise occupied with the intoxicated ginger, could be seen sneaking around in the background and generally causing mass mayhem. He also would work with Yosano and Ranpo (who was usually accompanied by Poe and Karl), to try and set up Atsushi and Akutagawa. Lucy and Higuchi tried everything to foil these attempts but were most often stopped by Kyouka, Gin, or Kenji (unintentionally, he just loved talking to them about cows). 

Kunikida was by far the most responsible young adult of the group and was usually seen with Hirotsu, Mori, and/or Fukazawa. 

Tachihara was busy trying to keep Gin from getting into alcohol, and Kaiji from blowing everyone up with his lemon bombs. 

"Oiiiiiiiiiii~ Tachihara-kun~" Chuuya stumbled over, draping himself across the other redhead. "You should ask Gin-chan out I know you likeee herrrr~" 

"Shut up!" The Black Lizard commander hissed, his face flushing red, making the band aid on his nose stand out in comparison. 

Gin, who was staring at the tree in the corner, luckily did not overhear. The masked assassin was dragged aside by Elise and Chuuya groaned. "You missed your chance dudeeeeee!"

Tachihara rolled his eyes. "Don't call me dude. Go fight with Ranpo-san or something, didn't he trap you in a book once?"

Chuuya exploded in rage, spluttering and yelling.

"W-what? Is Chuuya-san ok?" Atsushi asked Akutagawa nervously, watching the executive throw a temper tantrum. 

"Oh yes, he's completely fine." The ravenette replied in a monotone voice, a bored look on his face.

"You sure? He looks quite drunk-" The weretiger began as Chuuya smashed a chair but was cut off by the mafioso.

"Trust me this is a regular occurrence." 

"O-oh ok."

Meanwhile, Mori was watching with a hand over his face in embarrassment at the actions of one of his five most trusted and valued mafia excuctives.

Fukazawa gave him a sideways look and the doctor glared back. "Shut. up."

"I didn't say anything, Mori."

Kunikida sighed, having enough of Chuuya destroying things, and marched over. 

"Oh no-" Kouyou and Dazai whispered in unison, watching in horror but unable to look away at the impending disaster. 

"You're Chuuya Nakahara, aren't you? I'm Kunikida Doppo, Dazai's new partner." The blond started and the other swelled in rage. 


"He's right over here." Kunikida replied calmly and led him out of the room.

Ranpo walked over to join the awestruck Kouyou and Dazai, Poe wandering after him with Karl on his shoulder. "Well, that went much better than expected."

"No this is horrible," Dazai groaned. "they'll either end up killing each other or me, whichever one ends up annoying them more."

"Or Kunikida-kun might have enough sense to calm Chuuya-san down." Ranpo pointed out, taking a candy out of his pocket and popping it into his mouth. 

"Are you saying I don't have sense Ranpo-sannnnn" The brunette whined. 

"Ha, not when it comes to a certain mafioso." The detective retorted before grabbing Poe's hand, who turned bright red. "Come on, I want to try a cake I saw earlier."

The two went off, almost running into Naomi and Junichiro as the younger Tanizaki sibling cornered her brother underneath a mistletoe by the Christmas tree. (FBI OPEN UP THIS IS ILLEGAL T-T) 

Atsushi sighed as he surveyed the somewhat chaotic crowd. 

Yep, just another Christmas with the Detective Agency and the Port Mafia.

 yes i posted this before my Kunikida x reader because i've been too lazy to finish that. next will maybeee be the second part of this idk if i'll actullay do a second part or just save it for next year cuz i'm like that, the kuni x reader, then maybe a SKK oneshot or a Mark Twain x reader because I have an idea for that. 

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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