Chapter three

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...And everything was agony, pain and burning. He lay on his stomach, on top of what felt like shattered glass. It dug into him as he lay there, fighting to draw in air. The fear that washed over him was paralyzing - where was he? Had someone attacked Camelot?

Wait, where's Arthur, and Gwen, Lancelot, Gwaine, everyone ...

Merlin forced his eyes open, he rolled lg Araover so that he was on his back, staring upwards. He was Inside, or at least what used to be inside. There was a big hole blasted in the ceiling above him, and through the dust and haze he could distantly make out the beautiful night sky.

He tried to push himself in to a sitting position, gasping at the pain that went through him at the motion. His head was pounding, and the world around him spun. He put his head in his left hand, waiting for it to pass. His right arm hung beside him uselessly. Evan thinking about the limb sent lightning bolts of sharp stabbing pain through it. Merlin didn't know how long he sat there, quivering, trying to calm himself, but it became clear that his dizzy spell wasn't going to go any time soon.

The room continued to loop around him, merlin found himself laying on the floor again. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to desperately figure out what the hell could of happened to make him hurt so much, feel so weak that he couldn't even sit on his own.

Suddenly there was a clatter of metal against stone. Jolting merlin out of his haze, he opened his eyes and saw a man wearing armor. But he couldn't make out any of his features.

There was a high pitched shout, almost like a scream. The man flinched, looking to his right, then jumped into action. He ran towards Merlin. " No," Merlin said, cradling his hurt arm. "N-nno stay away."

Sorry for the short chapter hope you enjoyed it please vote and comment. Sorry it's not brilliant but as I said please comment what you think.

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