You shake your head and you held yourself up leaning against your elbow. You honestly thought he was awkward about it, but you guess not. "I didn't mind, it just surprised me is all. Maybe tomorrow we can talk more about it."

"I know you say tomorrow but, where does that leave us? Friends with benefits or...?"

You quietly laugh and you sit up, "who knows?"

After that you both talked a little while longer and ended up drifting away to sleep again.

Itto went to his side and put the covers over him, covering half his body. He had one hand behind his head looking up at the ceiling, thinking about earlier.

Looking to his side to peek at you sleeping peacefully he smiles to himself—pulling you closer to him as he drifts to sleep as well.


"Wake up! There's word that there's a sighting of a woman in purple, that's our target everyone!"

The muffled yells of Scaramouche woke you and Itto up with a irritated groan. You both fall asleep again and after about 20 minutes later, someone barges in the room to which it was your brother again.

Itto turns to face down onto the mattress before throwing a pillow behind him to hit Scara, and it actually did. "Be quiet please! For god sake Jingles I will kill you." Itto's muffled voice had you slowly waking up again.

"Yeah? And I'll throw you some fucking beans if you don't get up right now."

At that Itto got off the bed quickly and stormed off towards the bathroom. You caught a quick glimpse of his face before he did and his eyes were super wide, guess he really does hate beans.

After he left the room, you locked the door behind him and got to changing your clothes. Itto had came out of the bathroom after he had taken a quick shower—only a towel wrapped around his waist.

When you looked up to greet him a good morning you gaped at him, closing your mouth quickly, "see something you like?" Itto sent a wink your way and laughed when you didn't answer.

"Are you always going to be doing this when we're around each other alone?" He was facing one of the cabinets pulling out his gear, shrugging to your question.

Itto turned around while putting his geo choker on and peered at you, "ya can't complain when I see you getting flustered like that," he steps towards you slowly, "makes me want to continue teasing you."

You huffed out when you got up to shove him to get to the door. Itto was laughing once more before grabbing a thick black coat along with a similar one for you—holding the door for you to pass and shut it.

By the time you both went downstairs Scaramouche and Thoma were setting up their gear and bags.

Scara rolled up a large paper that was related to the plans for later today. He went over the plan once more with you all and headed out and set out to Dragonspine.


It was more colder than the other day you went here without your brother. The sky was barely clear and a storm was slowly picking up the more you got further into the mountain.

"If this storm continues are we going to head back?" Itto yelled out to the harbinger who was ahead and saw the slight motion of him shaking his head, "we can barely see out here now!"

Scaramouche stopped in his tracks and waited for everyone to get near him. It was clear he was slowly getting irritated just by Itto but also by the way today wasn't going as plan, due to the weather picking up drastically.

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