[18] Problems within

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"Do you always eat like an animal?" Scaramouche groaned as he rolled his eyes at the way Itto was scarfing down too much food.

Itto kicked the chair the harbinger was sitting in and almost tipped backwards, making Scaramouche to grip the edge of the table. It would've been funny if he fell, you all were on a high table.

"Shut up, I'm just trying to enjoy my food without needing to hear your commentary jingles." Itto mumbled through his mouthful of food, reaching for his glass of water.

It was well over a few hours since you've left Dottore's lab and been walking around the whole city. You were across from the guys waiting for your food but one of Itto's bugs came crawling towards you.

"You've had these for who knows how long and you haven't given them a name," you reached out for the onikabuto and it crawled onto your hand, "are you going to?" You looked up to see Itto already looking at you and averted his gaze to the bug.

He shrugs and took another bite of his food, hearing a grumble to his side and grinned. Scaramouche kept looking around the restaurant discreetly, feeling something odd.

"Maybe, I just don't know what to name them.." he stopped his hand over his food and thought about some names, "maybe... hm no— OH! Wait actually, nevermind I don't know." He laughed and grabbed another bite till he was done with his food.

After that you got yours and the guys started talking to which it led to an argument as always. While the guys were busy arguing, you were eating but something in the corner of your eye met a tall shadow outside the restaurant.

You were slowly eating but once in a while your eyes would go back to the lingering shadow, just hoping it was your mind playing tricks on you. Scaramouche had noticed. He kicked your foot underneath the table and gave you a look—keeping your stare then looking over to the window where the shadow was.

Your brother moved a little more and leaned against the table and whispered, "they've been there since we got here." Staying still for a moment before leaning back.

It wouldn't be too hard to take a guess why there would be someone already onto you. Any locals could probably tell that you guys aren't from here, maybe someone was on the look out or... maybe it was the doctors men.

Eventually you finished your food and waited for a bit. Itto went to the bathroom and Scaramouche went to go pay, leaving you alone with Itto's beetles.

While they were away, someone's shadow loomed over you and you stilled. Whoever it was, leaned close to your ear and whispered, "be quiet and follow me." They removed themselves from you and left you— following them quick and put Itto's bugs away in your jacket pockets.


The person you were following outside the restaurant was wearing all black, covering their face with a hoodie that had ears on top.

You were a few feet away from them but at a good close distance. Itto and Scaramouche probably already noticed you were gone, hopefully they give you some time to see what is going on right now.

When you continued following the mysterious person, you noticed you were straying further away and into a less busy area. Okay... suspicious. Then they had led you to an alley.

"We can talk here."

As they turned, you looked to them confused. They looked to be a native but why are they helping?

"Who are you? Why'd you bring me here?" You questioned, raising a brow and leaned against the wall across from them. They had tanned skin and ruby eyes along with silver hair.

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