[17] Sumeru

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Just after a few days you were in Liyue and when you got to the old factory where the ruin guards were being made, it was completely trashed inside and a dead end on your guy's plan.

"Well that's unfortunate, where to next jinglebells?" Itto grinned as he teased your brother, hearing Scaramouche mutter about him with disgust.

"Do not call me jinglebells!" He yells but he takes a deep breath and exhales a sigh, "anyways, we might have to take a detour and go to Sumeru then. Last I heard, he was there for some kind of research."

In Sumeru? You're not even sure how far it is from Liyue or if it'll be difficult to get there...

"Do you know how to get there? We can't just sail and magically hope we'll get there." You laughed as you leaned up against the cold factory walls. There was torn up parts of the ruin guards everywhere...

He hummed to himself while you kept your eyes on Itto who was kicking around the arms of the machines. "Yes... I do know how to get there but remember that we need to hurry with our plan." 

He's right then again it was always something you needed to hurry up on, for the sake of everyone's life here in Inazuma. Thankfully when you arrived in Liyue, there wasn't any signs that the purple fog migrated here.

Itto came back to join you guys and put his hands behind his head, "so we're traveling to Sumeru!? I can finally go to a different nation!"

And then you were now on the boat you guys we're traveling on. You hope Childe and Thoma are doing well right now and are safe, and hope that they are probably collecting other souls because you're going to be gone for quite a while.

Apparently to Scaramouche, it will take just another day to get there and to sleep well because it'll probably be hot over there or whatever kind of weather there is.

"Waittt... do you even know where we'll find Dottore or his location?" You quirked a brow when you got in front of Scaramouche. If not, you'd have to ask people around but that could be kind of suspicious.

Why would people,  foreigners, ask about someone?  It'll raise some suspicion and you three would probably be followed the moment you set foot there and asked about Dottore. You weren't going to take the risk for that, you'd have to blend in once you get there and stay low.

"You think I keep tabs on that crazy doctor? No. But you're probably thinking about blending in so we're not target." Scaramouche mutters. His gaze still facing forward and leaning to the sides when you got in his way. "We'll find him alright?"

That was when you let it go and went back to sit down with Itto, who was fixated on his onikabuto's and having them fight each other. Great... you ended up telling him you were going to take a nap and for him to wake you up, earning yourself a thumbs up.


"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! We're here!" Itto's loud voice lulled you out of your sleep and groan when you turned away from him, realizing he was hovering over you with a wide grin.

"Jesus Itto, you look scary like that." You blinked away the sleep and rubbed your eyes—sitting upright to look to your left and seeing one of Itto's bugs on your shoulder. You stayed still with a deadpan stare, "Itto... what is one of your bugs doing on my shoulder?"

That seemed to startle him but he laughed when he noticed his beetle right away and took it off you, "it must've wanted to sleep with you too! Such a cute little thing, don't you think?" He shoved the bug in front of you and you turned away.

"Yes yes it's cute, where's your other one? Get them so we don't have to come back later when you realize you left your beetle kids behind." Getting up and stretching, your back and shoulders popped releasing any aches.

He nodded and went to get his other one, showing you and then putting both of his onikabuto's on top of his head. Scaramouche yelled for you two to get out of the boat and to bring what you need.

Everything you needed was with you already and you double checked the boat in case. Itto still had his two onikabuto's with him and you set on walking next to him, following your brother. There was a lot of sand dunes and just a bunch of sand, it looked empty.

From a far you could see big buildings but there was also greenery too. It was a mix of a desert and rainforest. Only thing right now, was that it was extremely hot. And the clothes you are wearing aren't really helping... and when you looked over at Itto, he was already taking off his top clothing.

He didn't even really need to, he was basically almost bare on his upper half, but in all honesty you weren't complaining. Itto put everything away in his bag and when you took another glance at him, Scaramouche made you flinch when he held his arm out in front of you—making you stop in your tracks.

"What is it?" Whispering, you were trying to find what he was looking at and tugged Itto by the arm towards you two.

The harbinger was keeping his eye out from afar and noticed there was movement. "There's someone." Still keeping his gaze on whoever it was that caught his eye, "let's continue before night falls."

You slowly nodded and Itto came walking beside you, holding his two beetles in his hands close to him. "You think this Dottore person can help change me back? I miss my fun side..." he sighs while looking down at the onikabuto's.

"Maybe but if we tell him that, he might end up wanting to experiment on you and that's.. no. Once we get my arm we're leaving immediately."

Itto then looks at you with a questioning gaze and you shrugged. Scaramouche is right, Dottore might end up wanting to make tests on him which could probably lead to more problems for Itto if it happens and he can't turn back. You need the serum for Itto.

So then after all the walking you finally made it to what you think is Sumeru and the main city. Everyone's outfits were really different from what you've seen from the other nations, they were simple yet had a gold like designs on them.

"Many people here are mostly scholars or researchers, maybe other thing's.. anyways, let's find something to blend in." Scaramouche whispered as he drifted from you two to walk pass people, finding a market to find something to wear.

All three of you decided to wear long capes with a hoodie to hide away from people's eye, if people were suspicious of you they didn't say anything.

After some time and Scaramouche leading the way, you all managed to find a place that could potentially have the person you've been looking for. Scaramouche opened the door and when you walked in, there were a lot of books and probably experiments in use right now.

"We were just about to— Oh, it's you Scaramouche." Dottore comes out from behind a large bookcase with a grin on his half masked face. Never really meeting the man, something about him felt off making you tense up—Itto even felt you tense up too.

"Yeah it's me, anyways can you tinker around with your shit and build me an arm?" He raised what was left of his arm to show the other harbinger.

Dottore hummed when he got closer and the grin on his face never faltered, he leaned down to examine the other harbinger. "Yes... I can certainly do that but of course, there's a price." He stepped back and now his focus was on you and Itto. "Who are they?"

You wondered if he even knew you and Scara were related. Would it be a bad choice to say that you were?

When you were about to say anything Scaramouche was quicker, "new subjects for the project in Inazuma, remember my mission?" Well, he decided what you were to him already. Dottore nodded slowly and went to go near one of the tables with all kinds of gadgets.

"Might take a while, why don't you guys go enjoy yourselves while you're here." The harbinger suggested without looking up, grabbing what he needs for the arm.

You could sense Scaramouche hesitated but he cleared his throat and motioned to the door behind you and Itto, walking ahead of you guys first. Itto held the door for you but he looked back to see Dottore staring at you then at him, feeling unease.


what nations are you guys looking forward to? 🤨

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