[12] No control

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When the person left, Itto went back to where you and Thoma were and frowned upon looking at your sleeping state. He wanted to say something about what happened right now but he can't.

It was another thing he could get in trouble with and it's also another way, to keep you safe.

The oni man sat down with a huff near a big tree sitting under it. He saw one of the bugs he likes a lot and picked it up, staring at it with confusion.

If he were to say something about it to you later, then he'd have to say the things he ONLY, needs to say.

"Fuck..." he sighed, running his large hand through his messy white ombre hair.


"Get up guys! It's morning now." Itto yelled. A wide grin on his half masked face. Even with the mask covering half of his face, he still had a nice smile.

You groaned and rolled off to the side and landed on top of Thoma, hearing the man underneath you groan as well and pushing you off. "Rude." Mumbling under your breath and sitting up right, covering your eyes with your hand from the sun.

Thoma said something but it was muffled from the jacket his face was on. You wanted to go back to sleep but there was already a hand on your shoulder—turning you around and making you face Itto's chest. Jesus christ... it was due to him being now taller, that you're only up to his chest.

He definitely has changed since the day you last saw him. The man was an absolute unit, and you bet he knows it too. Big muscular arms, toned abs and strong unique features. His eyes were you're favorite, and the red lines going down them made them look even better.

Itto literally screams: Intimidating Gang Leader, but after knowing him a little better, he still is intimidating but he's charismatic and cares about people amongst other thing's. Especially his bugs he always pick up.

After just staring at his chest that was just literally right there, Thoma got up and pushed you into him—laughing at the way you turned around immediately embarrassed.

"You fucking jerk! Come here!" Practically already running after him after his little stunt. Itto was just stunned for a bit, still in the same spot but the corner of his mouth quirked upwards.

Thoma was laughing loudly, clutching his stomach while you yelled up a storm of curses that came to mind. After a while you ended up tackling him and hitting his arms, while he, was protecting himself with having his arms up to his face.

"Alright alright guys, fun times over! We got to go and collect more soul orbs and maybe along the way, we'll see Scaramouche."

"Sounds good. I think I saw a small campsite around here." Thoma said, pointing at the direction he thinks he saw the camps at.

You nodded and gathered up your belongings and started walking behind them.

Itto and Thoma were talking while you stopped a few feet from them, sensing something. It felt weird, as if someone was watching you from afar.

The feeling kept going when you started walking again and hurried your pace to get closer to the men. Itto must've sensed your distress that when he turned around, he grabbed your wrist and tugged you to him. Thoma looked down at you and then looked around, sensing that something was off.

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