[13] Scent of miasma

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"We gotta do something now!" Thoma huffs as you and him are dodging attacks from Itto's claymore.

He's not in control at the moment and it's making thing's dangerous for both of you. It's been 10 minutes since he's been out of it and trying to make it to the place where the smell is coming from, but Itto is not making it easy.

It's almost like he's blocking your way to get to the area that's affecting him.

"I fucking know! But he's not letting us through!" You jumped up as his claymore tries aiming towards your legs. Thoma grabs your arm and tugs you to him—he pushes you away when Itto comes quick to swing his claymore between you two.

Itto let's out a big growl that echoed, scaring away birds from trees and animals from the ground.

"We need to plan a strategy to get away." Thoma hurries over to your side grabbing your hand and leaps down to a lower level. You land on a big bush and look up to see Itto looking over the ledge.

"That felt too easy when all he was doing was preventing us to leave the top level." Your eyes were still on the oni man, trying to catch your breath.

"You're right..." he looked brooding, conflicted to what just happened. "We should use this advantage and try to get to that strange scent before he comes after us again."

Thoma then pulled you and told you to hold on—tightly wrapping around his waist and he headed down from the cliff you were at. You could hear heavy stomps from Itto jumping down to reach you guys.

The closer you were getting to the area, the stronger the scent was becoming and it was hurting your lungs making it harder to breathe. The blonde took a sharp inhale and coughed, throwing you to the side and landing near a tree.

It was foggy and now you don't know where Thoma is at. He could be close by or far away because of him tossing you. "Thoma! Where are you?!" You coughed when you inhaled what seems to be miasma... fuck but it felt different.

You covered your mouth and nose with your hand and looked around, waving your other hand around to get through the miasma.

For a while you kept on walking and being on high alert in case of Itto or if there were enemies nearby. You'd had to get to Thoma first if anything. You tried calling out for him again only to receive no answer back until you heard a snap of a twig.

Weren't sure if you should continue moving but you did, carefully and quietly as you could. If you call out right now, you'd be giving away your location and you wouldn't make it to Thoma.

This is just great...

Another snap of a twig alerted you and you immediately stopped. Your heart was racing faster and that was due to the snap being way closer than the last. Turning around slowly but cautiously, your eyes wide to see.

You gathered up your courage to walk a few more steps until you saw a shadowed figure up ahead—squinting hard to keep your focus on it. And slowly but surely, you exhaled when you noticed who it was, except there were two figures.

And you were about to whisper something until one of them quickly got your side, covering your mouth and looking around. Both figures were squeezing you between them and you looked around.

When the coast was clear after a few more minutes standing quiet and still, one leaned down while the other softly exhaled.

"Jesus Childe, I'm glad to see you but what the hell are you doing here? I thought you were somewhere else."

He let out a short breathy laugh and shook his head, covering his mouth and nose. "I was, but then I heard that your brother was in Inazuma, some of his subordinates talked."

Thoma was standing by but he was glad that you were safe. "Yeah and when I came across him after I lost you, he was thrilled when I told him my name?" He looked slightly embarrassed.

"Duh it's because I've talked about you, you're someone close, just like this ginger killing machine." You grinned while pointing at Childe, him of course, rolling his eyes.

"Don't tell him that! But yeah it's true." He shrugs, cocking his hip out—hand on his hip. "Y/N has told me a lot about you comrade." Childe looked at Thoma with a smirk and the blonde looked at you confused.

Then the miasma was getting stronger and you had to get away quick. Covering your mouth and nose to not breath in as much toxins in your body, you still haven't seen Itto around and you were getting slightly worried.

Wherever Itto was at, you hope he has at least a little control over his oni side and not let it completely take over. This miasma, whatever this has, had immediately got Itto out of control.

His oni side quickly came over him and sure, it's probably the second time you've seen him change, but this time was different, he turned violent.

But you wondered, "Do you think Scaramouche did this?"

"It's likely. Remember the letter I sent you?" You nodded, "it could be him or his subordinates."

And then you remembered what you picked up from a day ago. You quickly took off your bag and dropped to the floor—reaching your hand inside to find Scaramouche's tassel.

Childe's eyes widened and he bent down when you held your hand out for him to take it. He examined it and he quirked a brow, "this definitely is his. Where'd you get it?"

You told him you found it on the ground just nearby here, all the way on the top of the mountain you were on . "Either, he's here causing this, or something happened.. but then again I doubt he'd go down easy."

Then there's also the possibility that Baal could be on this island too. That bad feeling you were having a while back was picking up again and it was bothering you deeply.

She could have done something to him and have her guards take him, even if he is the 6th harbinger, he might not be up there on the same level as Baal.

"If anything were to happen to him.. who knows what Tsaritsa would do about hearing that the 6th harbinger has died. " he sighs looking at you, a strange troubling look. "But let's hope not. We need to find your brother fast." yet his expression didn't change.

"We have so much to do now... this is getting real troubling. The situation with the soul orbs, Itto's change and now this?" Thoma exhaled tiredly running a hand down this face.

You patted his back and rubbed trailed up to rub his shoulder. Then there was also the thing about Baal, possibly being your mother and just, so many secrets now. This is a total drag...


are yall planning on pulling for eula or albedo?


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