[6] Our beloved Snezhnaya (pt.I)

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flashback to 5yrs ago...

Your alarm went off and the sound of rapid footsteps outside your door alarmed you—sitting upright in your new bed, in your new Snezhnayan room.

You scrambled off the bed when the doorknob twisted and opened, the slam of the door made you flinch. "You're late to your first day to Fatui Military Academy. Hurry up now, you're going to embarrass me little sis."

Scaramouche.. You wanted to get up from behind your bed and bonk him on his stupid big jingle bell ass head. You rolled your eyes and slowly peeked over your bed, seeing him still standing in front of your door—arms crossed and foot tapping on the floor.

"I need to change y'know... can you get out already?"

Your brother then turned on his heel and left the room with a loud slam behind him.

"I can't believe I'm back here after ten years and to do military training..." sighing and groaning to having to search for your uniform, you lazily put them on.

With a final look to your uniform, you grabbed a black long coat with white fur on the hoodie and left your room. You pulled out a pocket watch Scaramouche has gracefully, gave to you. Shit.

The ceremony to the first day of the Fatui Academy was closing in fast, and you barely have just a few minutes left till you were late.

You hurried up and walking to the main central where the ceremony was held up in the city. Overlooking over peoples heads just a bit, you spot a familiar ginger in the crowd.

"Childe!" You ran up to him and he turned around, spotting you and giving a smile with a wave.

"Thank god, thought your brother wasn't going to let you in here." He sighed in relief, pulling you close for a tight hug.

"You're kidding right? How long have we've known each other? You should know how he is." Rolling your eyes at what your friend had said.

The two of you met when you were 8 and him being 10—always  staying over at his place, never around in your own home because of your parents.

Scaramouche would be the one to bring you back home when you were needed to do chores and study on military life—it was horrible. Only times you enjoyed being in Snezhnaya was seeing Childe.

He was one reason to stay but you just couldn't. You wanted to leave immediately and so, you did. Made your way to Inazuma alone and never told anyone you fled.

Four years passes and you were 12. Still in Inazuma, that's where you met Yoimiya and became close friends, along with others.

Now that you're back after six years, Childe told you about what happened to him—training, taking on people to build on his strength, he told you he's been in the military since he was 14.

This would be his last year till he climbs up in rank. To become the number 11th Fatui Harbinger.

Due to Scaramouche being the number 6th, you would have an extra year added than other soldiers, due to no special treatment. You would have to train for 5 years instead..

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