[5] The abyss realm

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There stood Itto before you. Massive, his white and red ombré hair falling just below his waist, and in his Oni Form—for now, thats what you'll call it.

He stayed still looking down at you, half his side was still covered with the mask and the other side was bare.

You walked towards him and put your hands on his chest—looking up at him noticing he looked like he was spacing out, in his own world.

"Itto, come let's sit down or go somewhere else.." looking up again and a low distorted growl resounded from him.

Taking that as a yes, you grabbed his hand and pulled him down, helping him sit down. When sitting down, he looked even more bigger.

"Itto? Can you tell me who turned you like this? Or was this part of you and.. someone triggered it?"

You waited for a response.

It felt like forever since he said anything or made any sound but he only nodded. Itto pointed at you with his long black fingernail, and you looked down then back at him confused.

"Me?" But he shook his head, poking at your chest.

Itto closed his eyes and a sigh accompanied by smoke, he finally spoke. "Scaramouche."

Your brother did this? Why?

"Was it because you and your gang didn't bring me to him?" He nodded but you were confused, "but you did bring me? Unless, he told you in advance and bring me much sooner..."

His eyes shot up quickly looking at you after that. "Damn, okay. Reason why was because one day, I saw him harming one of my men for who knows what and I stupidly challenged him to a duel, not knowing he was the number 6th harbinger."

You blinked at him and he rolled his eyes. "You... challenged my brother to a duel?" You furrowed your brows at the man and he laughed, which sounded weird due to his oni distorted side.

"Yup! I may look tough and all but that short brother of yours is quite strong too." He sets his right arm and planting his elbow on his leg, making a fist. "Once we bring everything back to the way it was, I will beat him this time." He turns to you and the bare side of his face upturned to a big toothy grin.


"Alright, so you're telling me that Baal's and my brothers plan backfired which.. led to this catastrophe and everyone in Inazuma disappearing into floating orb like spirits—which only you can see, but I can see the orbs. That correct so far?"

"Yes ma'am! Too bad you can't see the people, they look still look the same only just as a purple ghost."

You scoffed and pushed him away the best you can, even if he's taller and broader, making him look super beefed out, with his incredible good looking toothy grin and just... no, can't think like that.

"You okay there y/n? You're looking a little weird."

He quirked the brow that was visible and hummed to himself, trying to figure out what occupied your mind like solving a tough puzzle.

"Totally! I'm alright just maybe tired?"

"We can sleep all we want later but it's best if we try to find a spot that isn't too popular with the spirits."

You nodded and trailed behind the tall man.

During the walk, you had your hand held out and snapping your finger to light up with your pyro element.

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