A week

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"What happened, hyung?" Jungkook asked as he walked to Yoongi and hugged him.

"Why did Yoongi say that is parents are still at his place? By any chance does he see them?" Jin asked which made Jungkook shook his head, immediately.

"No hyung, his parents photo is there"

"No!" both looked at Yoongi "I saw them!! I saw eomma and appa holding hyung back yesterday when he was about to hit me!" Yoongi said.

"Yoongi it must be-"

"It was not the first time I saw eomma and appa, they came many times to help me and to stop hyung from hurting me more" Yoongi had teary eyes thinking about that one incident.

"You can see them?" Namjoon asked. Yoongi nodded.

"Yoongi, are you sure?" Jin asked again, and Yoongi nodded, again.

"Please take me home! I don't to leave eomma and appa" 

Jin sighed and cupped his cheeks as he sat down beside the latter "Baby, your eomma and appa wouldn't want you stay with someone like him, they would want you to escape from there and live a good life"

But Yoongi shook his head "Hyung is like that because of me!! I have to help hyung!!"

Jennie walked to them and made Yoongi look at her "How about you stay here for a few days and then go back to your hyung? You can heal and also think of the ways to help your hyung?" Yoongi thought for a while and then nodded, Jennie smiled "Go for a bath, we will get you some clothes okay?" Yoongi nodded and went for bath.

"Jennie?" Jin asked.

"I am sorry oppa but that was the only way to make him stay, his brother has manipulated him a lot that he started hallucinating things. He thinks that it is his parents who stopped his brother from abusing him and telling him who knows what" Jennie sighed.

"Then we need to get him out of there!!" Hoseok said.

"You think we didn't try?" Jungkook questioned "We tried very possible to get him out of there and tell him that whatever his brother said was lie but he never listened to us and believed whatever his brother is saying!" Jungkook said.

"He thinks that his brother is like this, because of him when it is not his fault and it is his own brother's fault, we tried to explain him so many times but he won't listen to us" everyone sighed.

"So what you both suggest we do?" Taehyung asked.

"Let him stay here for a few days and till then we will try to find some proof against his brother" Jennie said and they nodded "But don't let him know anything" they nodded again.

"Clothes!!" Yoongi said peeking out from the bathroom door. 

"Giving!!" Jennie said "I am giving him your clothes Jin oppa" Jin nodded. Jennie gave a pink hoodie and a black shorts of Jin to Yoongi with Jin's new boxer which we haven't even removed from the packet yet.

Yoongi wore them and came out wile playing with hoodie, he was looking like a cute kitten, everyone cooed at him.

"Oh mo, you are looking so cute Yoongs" Jennie pulled his cheeks, Yoongi pouted and slapped her hands away.

"I am hungry" he mumbled but Jennie heard it.

"I and Jin oppa will make something after he freshen ups, till then why don't you go with Kookie, Tae and Jimin oppa go to the dining hall" Yoongi nodded and went to Jungkook.

"I am Taehyung"

"I am Jimin"

"Are you both a couple?" Jimin blushed and Taehyung nodded, chuckling.

"How did you know?" Taehyung asked as he wrapped his hands around Jimin's waist.

Yoongi said nothing but just pointed at Jimin's neck, everyone looked at his neck and saw hickeys. Jimin smacked Taehyung's hide who immediately hide behind Jungkook so that Jimin doesn't beat him.

"Why are you trying to beat him?" Jungkook asked giggling.

"Because he didn't allow me to wear turtle necks!!" Jimin glared at Taehyung.

"Let's go have some food" Taehyung dragged Yoongi downstairs followed by Jikook.

"He is very observant" Namjoon said.

"Everyone in the university is scared of him" the three looked at him with wide eyes.

"They are scared of this cutie?" Jin asked. Jennie nodded.

"As long as he is not angry, everything is fine" Jennie said.

"You experiences or saw something?" Namjoon asked hoping for some story or stories but was disappointed when Jennie shook her head "Then how can you say that?"

"A year back, we had one more friend, it was four of us but when he came to know about Yoonie that latter started mocking and insulting Yoonie, Yoongi killed him with a pencil because he almost slapped Yoonie" 

"A pencil?" Hoseok asked, Jennie nodded.

"That also a blunt one" the three gulped "As long as he is not angry, everything will be fine" they nodded.

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