you get hurt

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a/n i am so so sorry everyone i was having some issues with my wifi and it's been kind of hectic in my house but i came back and saw that there are over 5k reads and i????? my brain stopped working i was so shocked.

anyways i'm so glad you enjoy my writing, thank you for reading!

request from @AphmauFanForever29
thank you for requesting!

- Viktor had been working late night on a project

- you go to the lab to visit and make sure he's eaten

- but trip over a stack of notes he had on the floor

- the crash wakes him up

- he sees you on the floor and the notes scattered everywhere

- laughs and helps you up, then asks if you're okay

- you grumble and tell him to help you clean up

- you two were separated by enforcers while escaping

- you run into a building while she makes it into a nearby alleyway

- suddenly the building you were in explodes

- she gasps, and with trembling legs runs forward

- looks around desperately for you and finds you limping out of the fire

- runs up to you and lifts you onto her back and carries you all the way home

- waits in the room while the doctor operates

- when he finishes, she gets protective and doesn't let anyone touch you

- carries you to bed and tucks you in

- goes out to pay those enforcers a 'visit'

- you trip while trying to show off

- em bar rassing

- You and Vi were racing through the Undercity

- she yells "do a flip"

- so you do a flip

- and land terribly on the roof nearby

- tiles broken and everything

- she jumps over, concerned, but when she sees nothing has been bruised but your dignity, she laughs

- you smack her leg and ask her to help you up

- she laughs and helps you up and you two continue on your way

- but she does seem to move much closer to you than before

- late night patrol gone wrong

- you're chasing down someone when they turn back and throw a small explosive

- you narrowly dodge it but the blast forces you into a nearby wall

- Caitlyn catches up and asks if you're okay

- pats you all over to look for wounds

- you laugh and tell her you're fine

- she notices you have a slight limp but doesn't say anything

- she dedicates the rest of the week to catching that guy

- your project explodes on you

- you were helping Jayce with some of the Hextech research when one of the machines blew up in your face

- slightly singed eyebrows and skin, but otherwise you're fine

- Jayce immediately runs over, worried

- fusses over your eyebrows

- cleans the soot off of you and bandages your little burns

- you smile and watch, endeared, as he continues to take care of you

- he wants you to stop working for the day but you scold him about being ridiculous and slightly overprotective

- he yields

- you two were discussing something in the hallway

- you weren't watching where you were going

- you trip

- she catches you by the arm and your shoulder

- chuckles a little bit and asks if you're okay

- embarrassed, you nod your head and scurry away

- she laughs at you retreating

- "how cute."

- some of Silco's men give chase after you hit their shipment

- you stay behind to buy time and let the others escape

- they manage to knock you off your board

- Ekko swoops in and saves you at the last second

- aww your knight in soot-covered overalls

- you two make it back and he checks you over for any injuries

- follows you everywhere and kind of just hovers over you for the rest of the day

- you turn to him and quirk an eyebrow, but he just turns away and pretends to work on something

- you accompany Jinx for a shipment

- the Firelights show up

- she goes berserk and doesn't notice a Firelight coming up behind her with a knife

- you push her out of the way and block with your forearm

- you knock them out and carry on fighting

- Jinx clumsily bandages you up but when Silco sees the blood, he gets angry

- he grabs your bicep and asks what happened

- you tell him it was an accident, wanting him to let it go, so he does

- but he rewraps your arm and sends someone out to get your favorite food

- makes you take the rest of the day off


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