Vin chuckled but tsked. "But not tonight." I pouted then why corrupt my mind like that. This is not fair. "Tonight is about you. We are going to please you and you are going to take it as a birthday present without hesitation, sì? " I shivered because his breath was on my neck.

Suddenly I was laid on bed, Vin ripped my dress and I gasped as the cold wind brushed on my skin making me shiver. I sat on my upper arm to see they both were looking at my body with a promise in their eyes to bring pleasure to me. "You are so beautiful babygirl." And I blushed at his words. His shirt was still on his body. "And you have a body like a goddess." Vin said still looking at my body. I was so red by their words. "May we?" He whispered now looking at my eyes. They both were fully dressed while I was half naked. This had to change quickly.

They were literally eye fucking me with their beautiful eyes and I was only in my red lace bra and thong. I was not going to hide my body because I was not ashamed of it. I knew my body was perfect, so why hide it? I spread my legs wide as I can and their eyes widened, looking in between my thighs. "You want to touch there?" as I pointed towards my pussy. Without any second they whispered. "Yeah." , "Fuck yes." I smirked. "So why not start with stripping yourself." Now I had their full attention.

"Tonight is your day so we will let this aside Bambina but not tomorrow." With that they removed their clothes painfully slowly giving me best strip show free. My breath hitched in my throat by looking at their body. They smirked. They both knew what they were doing. Bastards.

After removing each piece of their fabric, my mouth fell by looking at their dick. They were not a dick but a giant banana. One thing shocked me was a piercing on dick. It was like my dream came true. Didn't it hurt? And most importantly on your most intimate and sensitive part of your body? I am gonna ask Vin about that later. I was so curious about it. Both of their was almost same in size. Veins spread across them giving them a angry look and it did. They looked angry. Precum leaking on their head. "Satisfied?" It was then I looked at their faces which showing amusement. Nick asked me. "More than satisfied but let's see how it work" I knew I was mocking them.

Vin raised their brow while Nick smiling while shaking his head. I just shrugged. "Now both of you going to come here or Do I have to touch myself?"

One second they were standing while next my panties were ripped like my dress and discarded somewhere in the room by Vin and same as my bra by Nick. I gasped at the stinging sensation of ripping. Damn, it looked sexy to rip clothes but in reality it hurt like a hell. "Look at you, how wet you are for us. Do you want us to touch you Bella?"

"Fucking what are you waiting for then?" Suddenly a mouth on my cunt and another on my nipples.

"Ahhhhhhhh..." I moaned loudly and gripped Nick's arm.

Nick's hands were touching my boobs while his mouth was kissing it. On the other hand, Vin separated my walls with his fingers and slicked his tongue in between them. Fucking hell. I have never felt this much pleasure in my life.

I gasped by sudden intrusion of his fingers and not one but three. His mouth on my clit, sucking it with his tongue. "Fuck. Keep doing that." I said in between my panting.

I could feel pressure building in my stomach. Just a little more and I will gone. They both exchanged looks and nodded at each other. I furrowed my brows at confusion. Before I asked what it is, Nick bit my nipple hard while his other hand pinched my other nipple and at the same time, Vin bit my clit and thrust hard in me. "Yessssssss......" I screamed while I came hard. Eyes tightly shut, eyebrows furrowed, mouth wildly opened, legs shaking, toes curled, nails scratching Nick's arm and I was seeing fucking stars.

"That is a site to hold babygirl." He huskily said in my ear.

My eyes were still closed. I opened to see Vin was close to my body, fingers shining with my sin. He let his fingers move towards my mouth and I knew what will come. "Suck it like it is my dick. Show me how good you are at, sì?"

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