My little brother

Start from the beginning

"You still have something of mine,
left with you."

"Stop playing puzzle, and come to point."

"This company."

Ranvijay's eyebrow crushed.
"What are you meaning? Dadu clearly gifted this to me."

"But don't you think,
I have equal rights on dadu too. So, it should be half and half."

"I can't believe, my Arjun is speaking all these." He chuckled bitterly. "Fine, if you want so. Anything for my little brother."

Arjun didn't know Ranvijay would agree this fast. He came with the hope of some serious arguements. He came thinking, he would have to do even more than this to convince him. He was stupefied. Was he wrong? Was he wrong in the portrayal of his brother? Was he just thinking all these in head. He was once again torn between the two halves fighting inside him.

He couldn't shed off Ranvijay's endearment from his head, "my Arjun" was repeating in loops in his head. He was so much disgusted with everything, that he left from there without any other word.

On the other hand, Ranvijay heaved a sigh. Arjun's behavior has torn the last thread of hope he had. He couldn't help but call Niharika, "Hey!"  Ranvijay didn't reply, but immediately asked, "Where are you? What are you doing?"

His voice didn't seem right to Niharika, "Ranvijay, What happened?"
"Can you please come to me?" Ranvijay literally begged. There was an awkward silence, which Ranvijay couldn't deal with, emphasizing another please, that came out as a mere whisper.

"I will be there in an hour." Just when Niharika cut the call, Ranvijay was startled with a huge crash sound followed by a commotion.

He went out of his office to see what all of it's about, when Dhara rushed in, "Arjun Sir fell down the stairs."

His heart shattered like glass, he ran out like a mad man, spotting a wailing Arjun, who was trying to stand up with help of some other employees.

"Have you lost your mind, Arjun?" He rushed to his brothers side, lifting him up in a blink. "How did you fall, you stupid, your eyes aren't just showpiece, learn to use them!" Ranvijay was losing his calm.

"Tell your staff to do their job properly, there was water on the stairs!" Arjun was stupefied for a moment at Ranvijay's outburst but he quickly replied, saving his respect.

"What! Who the hell did that? Can't you be a little more careful!" Ranvijay literally growled at his employees. Everyone was stunned, the Ranvijay who never raised his voice on them, was shouting at the top of his lungs, that too for his injured brother. Injured? Maybe a sprained ankle and scratches here and there.

"Someone call the doctor." Ranvijay again screamed at the top of his voice, helping the limping person to his cabin.

He was pacing back and forth, calling countless doctors to see if they're available. On the other hand, Arjun was looking at Ranvijay with an emotion, unknown to his own heart. He couldn't quite decipher, what he was thinking, why he was feeling happy, why he was feeling guilty, more over why he was feeling! He just wanted half of Ranvijay's dream some minutes ago, and but Ranvijay is running around, worried for him? Something he was sure, that Ranvijay can never pretend. He would straight away reject you and face the consequences than pretending and giving false hopes.

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