New dawn

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A new era, this would change the course of history forever, oh the minds couldn't comprehend.

The lucky 4 chosen by human sacrifice made by the ultimate scientist known by, Orochimaru. It could change the mindset and the tide of the war itself as the 4, had powers having adaptability to the environment and having high IQ higher than anything ever recorded. Racking in an IQ of 400, which unlocks the secrets of time and space. While as the other power being, summoning back the dead from any time period, which they serve the master. Alas, 3rd being hardening to any surface the person touches.An example of this being metal, the skin hardens into metal and the punches have the same affect but amplified. The most grand creation made by the most intelligent mind orochimaru, being the 4th and final experiment. Of which it was being able to stop time entirely just for an measly 20 seconds, bending the space time continuum.

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