Chapter 1

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Ash, Pikachu, Scorbunny and Goh were sitting on the bench. They were talking about they're next adventure, which would take place in Galar. "Ash, are you sure you're wanting to come?" Goh asked, with worry laced in his voice. All Ash did was nod with a smile on his face. "Of course! Why do you seem so worried?" Ash asked as he looked away from Pikachu who was currently laying at his lap and looked towards his friend sitting beside him. "Well, this is my journey after all and I don't want you getting hurt in my behalf..." Goh said, blushing and looking at the ground. He couldn't even talk about Ash without his face turning into a tomato. No wonder Chloe knows that he's in love with the boy from Pallet Town. It's a surprise how Ash doesn't know about it yet.

"Well, I know for a fact that I can take care of myself. No matter how reckless I might be" Ash chuckled while scratching the back of his neck. Pikachu, getting up from Ash's lap now that his hand was no longer on the pokemon, jumped onto his trainer's shoulder, sitting on it. "Yeah, well that's true. But these are Corviknights that we are talking about! They're taller then you!" Goh said, waving his hands around to emphasize his point.

Ash looked at the endearingly before answering, "And what about it? Then at least me and Pikachu will get a good training session". Goh just looked at him in disbelief. "W-what?? That's what you find out of this situation?? Not even a little bit of worry of the fact that a 7 feet tall metal bird could come swooping down at you?". Ash just nodded while looking up. "You really do amaze me Ash Ketchum" Goh says while shaking his head, looking down at the Scorbunny that's playing around his feet. 

Pikachu gave a glance to Scorbunny from Ash's shoulder, to which Scorbunny nodded and started to nudge his head against the Vermillion boy's legs. Goh, having been looking at him thought that the starter wanted to get picked up. So he raises a hand out to try and get the bunny to hop on it, but he doesn't. "What is it that you want Scorbunny?" he asks once he gives the pokemon a pinap berry. "Maybe he wants you to play with him?" suggests the boy sitting beside him. "Maybe. Is that what you want buddy?" Goh asks to which Scorbunny nods.

Goh laughs while sliding down the bench and pulling Scorbunny up into his arms. The bunny pokemon smiles and nuzzles himself against the trainer's neck, feeling comfortable. Ash, seeing this smiles and looks towards Pikachu. But, to Ash's surprise Pikachu doesn't look back at him. His eyes are glued on the Vermillion boy, which has the brunette confused. "Pikachu, something wrong?" he whispers towards the rodent pokemon, but Pikachu just shakes his head. "Chu" he responds and goes back to staring at the other trainer.

Goh on the other hand keeps on cuddling Scorbunny. That is, until the pokemon decides to jump out and run to the forest nearby. "SCORBUNNY WA-" Goh was about to start but he just dashed away. "-it. C'mon..." Goh said as he sighed, getting up and ready to chase his over-energetic starter. Pikachu found this the right time to jump on Goh with such force that Goh started falling.

He didn't fall though since Ash's hand quickly wrapped around his waist. Keeping him from falling. 

After a few seconds of being shocked, Goh got back to his senses and noticed the hand that was attached to his lower body. "GAAHH! ASH!" he yelled while jumping up and getting away from Ash's grip. "WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT??!!??" he screamed while his face was all different shades of red. "Well, you were about to fall and I didn't want that so I decided to help you" the Pallet town trainer said while scratching the back of his neck. "Didn't know that you'd overreact so much. But then again, knowing the fact that you like me... I should've". 

This took Goh a sold minute before he realized what the brunette said. "W-W-WAIT! YOU KNEW THAT I LOVE YOU?!" he said while looking around frantically. "It's not exactly hard to figure out, Goh. You try to hide it... but you aren't exactly the best" he laughs while walking closer to him. "W-wait... w-what are y-" Goh was about to say something more before Ash connected the little space he left behind with his lips. The Vermillion boy grew tense, but with Ash's arms around him, he slowly started to relax. 

After the kiss finished, Goh looked towards Ash, while the other trainer smiled. "I love you too Goh. And I was hoping that we could maybe be together?" he asked, sounding nervous yet confident at the same time. How you might ask? Goh had no clue. "I'd love that!" he smiled while he hugged him.

Pikachu and Scorbunny did a little high-five while winking towards Ash.

A/N: Hey guys! This story was based off a Messenger chat that me and one of my friends had. In which they asked "what if Pikachu was like a wingman to Ash, pushing one of them and making them fall on each other?" and I decided to improvise on that. And here it is! The original drabble isn't that good, but I'm glad with the way that it came out. Hopefully you guys do to!

Have a nice day! (also, happy late new year. Like, extremely late XD) :)

Word count: 931

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