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Subject Number: #0074

Subjects Name: Quackity

Pronouns: he/it

Height: 5'8-5'9

Age: 20

Description and backstory: quackity


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Subject Number: #2211

Subjects Name: Niki Nihachu

Pronouns: she/her

Height: 5'2

Age: 20

Description and backstory: Niki is a quieter person. She won't be very talkative until she gets to know you. She gets really nervous easily and often worries to much. Niki looks like a normal human, her experiments gave her strange abilities. Fortunately she escaped. She is scared of the dark and has often panic attacks. Despite that she tries her best to take care of those around her.


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Subject Number: 1770

Subjects Name: Tubbo

Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 3'6

Age: 9

Description and backstory:
Tubbo cant pronounce peoples names right so they are shortened or he syas their numbers
Tubbo has a red scar that fades to green on his whole right side of his face from experiments. He mostly hangs out with Tommy in their cell, he perfers not to talk unless spoken to by a scientist. he wears a green undershirt with overalls that are a light blue. he has 2 small ramlike horns and a tail. Tubbo dislikes needles. hes been here the longest and is a ghost/ram


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Subject Number: #8119

Subjects Name: Tommy

Pronouns: He/They

Height: 7'0

Age: 18

Description and backstory: Tommy tends to stick around Tubbo, He doesn't care for some of the others though. Strong dislike for scientist unless there's cola involved. Tommy is Notorious for giving nicknames.
Tommy has long blond hair usually in a pony tail, with flowers strung in with. Their left eye is blind and has a long scar from their eye to the jaw from an accident with a scientist' Slightly small white and gold tipped wings, and long red devil like tail. Smol pointy ears and tiny horns. Tommy is normally around Tubbo in their cell. He wears an oversized version of his famous shirt, tan shorts with bandaids up and down his legs(colorful ones). Dislikes needles, small rooms, and water.


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Subject Number:#2459

Subjects Name:TangoTek



Age:Unknown, although it is known they were here at a young age

Description and backstory: He's been here for ages, long enough to forget everything outside at least. He doesn't talk to anyone unless provoked, he is also prone to just having random breakdowns and panic attacks over the smallest things. TangoTek is a person on the smaller side of the spectrum, with fluffy blonde hair. He usually tries to find things that are red since that is his favourite colour, so he has a red jacket, although he is also wearing a red short sleeve shirt and black pants most times. His eyes are the first thing you are drawn to while looking at him, they seem to be robotic and a light red colour. They are basically cameras that are connected to his brain so he can see, other than that he looks like a normal guy I guess


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Subject Number: #0013

Subjects Name: Corpse

Pronouns: They/he

Height: 6'4

Age: 14-16 ish, accurate age cannot be pinpointed

Description and backstory: Has been in the Lab since early childhood, was abandoned on facility grounds. The subject has extremely bad memory as well as bad eyesight and is obsessive over small things as a result he will only tolerate wearing clothes with muted colors. The subject has exhibited difficulty in writing and talking, its recorded that he says talking is painful. They also exhibit drastic changes in their behavior due to stimulus in the subjects environment. For best results use a room with low light and sound levels as well as certain clothes. The subjects hair is dark and unruly, they often pull out tufts of hair when stressed. #0013's face is usually covered, but it has been recorded that one side of their face is damaged. The subject has requested a medical mask to cover the lower half of their face as the subject is extremely self conscious. Do. Not. Touch. Subject

PUNZ . . .

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Subject Number: #0174

Subjects Name: Punz

Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 5'7

Age: 20

Description and backstory:

Punz is a 5'7 blonde that has anger issues, he usually remains calm during certain things and one thing is that he hates is being alone. He doesnt like talking tp people and refuses to listen most of the time

His backstory is unknown as for now

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