Part 2

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Virgil held the baby in his arms as he looked through the snack cupboard. Eventually, he decided to go with some random bag of chips. He grabbed it and went to the living room where Roman was looking for something to watch on the tv.

Virgil sat down next to Roman. Roman looked at him and smiled. Virgil smiled back.

"So," Virgil started. "We need to finally pick a name."

Roman nodded in agreement. "I guess it is about time we picked a name."

"Yeah it's been a month and we haven't picked out a name. Little One, Sweetpea, and Small Baby aren't real names."

Roman chuckled a little. "Yes, but what names are we choosing for?"

"That's the problem," Virgil said with a small sigh. "We've barely even started brainstorming names."

"Well, let's brainstorm, Stormcloud." Roman said incuriginy.

"Ah, yes, brainstorming time," Virgil giggled.

After a few hours of brainstorming, they had a handful of names to choose from. They were trying to figure out which one they should choose. They come up with the idea of putting the names in a hat and picking one out.

They looked all around trying to find the hat their friends, Janus, 'forgot there'. What actually happened was that when he was last their Roman took the hat and hid it, then forgot that he had done so.

After they found the hat, they set it on the table. They grabbed some paper and a pencil, then wrote down the names. They put the names in and shook the hat.

Roman held out the hat towards Virgil. "Here, you pick," he said.

"Okay," Virgil said. He reached into the hat and pulled out a small folded piece of paper. He unfolded the paper and the two looked at it. 

(297 words.)  

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