Season Two, Episode Three: Port Royal

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Six POV, The Sea, The Runaway

Six watched in anticipation as Seven fought to revive Mono. After three tries, Mono turned over, coughing up water and groaning. 

"I thought I told you to remind me that I hated the water, Six," Mono said, rolling back over to his back. Six let out a little giggle, happy that Mono was okay. A sudden jolt on the Runaway brought them back. All of them turned to the noise. watching as a hand emerged from the water, grabbing onto the side of the small ship and hauling whatever was connected onto the ship. Mono's eyes widen, causing Six to look at the thing with concern. It's a bloated mass, covered in burns and missing parts. As it stands up, Six gasps. 

Mono POV, The Sea, The Runaway

No. He should have died. That was a direct explosion. A watery laugh emerges from the Doctor's throat as he stands up. Water was falling from the missing chunks of his body, as he slowly deflated. 

"That was smart, but not smart enough. It'll take more than an explosion to fry me. Try hotter next time, hm?" the large man said, pulling his soaking journal out of his jacket pocket and making notes. 

"Now, where were we. Ah yes, you were volunteering to be my next patient!" the Doctor launches forward, grabbing Mono around the neck and tightening his grip. Mono swings weakly, none of his strength having returned from almost drowning. 


Six rapidly unsheathes her sword, driving it into the large man's arm, causing him to screech in pain and drop Mono. The boy lands on the deck hard, gripping his throat and coughing. Seven pulls a flintlock out and fires, but the pellet merely passes through the man and hits the wood railing. We need something hotter. Mono caused an explosion. What can we... Six's thoughts trail off as she looks over to the powder. Letting go of her sword, she rushes over to the powder, lifting one of the barrels and popping of the cork. Filling her flask, she rushes back over to Mono's gear and pulls one of his flintlocks out of its holster. Turning, she shouts at Seven. 

"Get him to open his mouth again!" Said boy nods, pulling his sword from its sheath and stabbing the man in the gut. Another screech echoes, and the man swings at Seven, who deftly weaves under the massive arm. Six rushes forward, launching herself onto the man's shoulder. 

"Say ah, you dirty scumbag!" Dumping the gunpowder down the man's throat, Six lifts the flintlock and fires into the gunpowder, jumping away as the man explodes. As Six looks up, bits and pieces rain from the explosion. Seven stands up. 

"Everyone okay?" Six nods, looking over at Five, who had hidden below deck. The other girl nods. Mono weakly raises his hand and forms a thumbs up. Seven nods, turning and heading towards Mono. Leaning down, Seven whispers in Mono's ear, before pointing towards the stairs down. 

"Six, make sure Mono makes it to his sleeping quarters, and please no funny business," Seven says, causing Six to blush and pull her cloak up around her face. Nodding slightly, Six begins leading Mono to his quarters, making sure to keep him up. Just before they enter, Mono turns to Seven. 

"Take us to Port Royal. I need to check supplies, and the city seems better than Nassau. We need a decent place to stay," Mono says, looking over at Seven. The young boy nods, heading for the wheel. Mono turns, and Six continues to escort him to the captain's quarters. 

Seven POV

Seven watches as Five heads up to the wheel as he directs them towards Port Royal. 

"What did you tell Mono?" 
"Just that he needed rest. The man pushed himself too far."
"What did we just face?"
"I don't know, Five. I don't know."

Mono POV, Port Royal

Mono walked off the dock, heading for the weaponsmith. 

"You guys go find us a place to stay. No trouble, you hear me. We need to lie low, let everyone rest, and find something to do. I'll see what I can find for information of jobs, but for now, a bed sounds nice," Mono said, watching as his crew nodded. Turning, Mono continued headed towards the weaponsmith. Heading into the small building, Mono walked up to the man currently working on a sword. 

"What can I getcha?" He asked without turning around. Mono looked around at the weapons hanging on the walls. Though his eyes lingered on the large ax, Mono decided against it. Too heavy. Mono instead chose a pair of swords, and he grabbed a rifle of interesting design. 

"What's this?" Mono asked, laying the rifle on the counter. 

"That right there is an air rifle. Extremely rare, and extremely expensive. You want it?" The weaponsmith asked, looking at Mono warily. Mono considered it, looking at the sleek design of the rifle. 

"How much?" Mono asked. 

"10,000 gold pieces. No more, no less. These take forever to make." Mono's eyes widened, and he glanced at the small sack containing his gold. Pulling it open, Mono counting, before sighing. He had already bought the swords, so he didn't have enough. Shaking his head, Mono put the rifle back, instead deciding on two flintlocks, some ammo, and a few bombs. Though the weaponsmith's eyes raised at this, he didn't question it. Mono left the weaponsmith, heading into the streets. Turning, Mono glanced at the tall tower next to him. He wouldn't be able to find his friends down on the ground like this. Grabbing onto one of the ledges, Mono climbed up onto the roof of the tower, crouching and surveying the port city. The buildings were everywhere, but Mono's eyes caught the famous yellow cloak of Six and Five. Looking down, Mono stared at the large pile of hay sitting in a merchant cart. (If you get this, I'm so happy for you.) Gauging distance, Mono spread his arms and jumped, flipping over to his back as he slammed into the hay. While it still hurt, the hay proved useful in breaking Mono's fall enough to stop him from injuring anything. Hopping out of the cart, Mono began running towards where he had seen Six, catching up with them in no time. 

"Hey," Mono said breathlessly, gently taking Six's hand. Six returned the gesture and led him to the hotel where Seven had decided for the crew to stay. Mono followed, just happy to be with his friend, and partner, in peace again. 

A/N: So I need ideas. I know what I'm gonna do for the Watchers in the City, you'll see how I do that here coming up. But I wanna know how you want me to do the Signal Tower. Little backstory, the Maw, the area Six escaped from, is a prison. So do you want me to make the Signal Tower a massive ship that Mono has to sneak into to save Six, or do you want me to make it another prison that Mono and the crew have to escape from, and Mono has to save Six from being killed. Another question, do you want me to do a spin-off story following Seven and Five, just on their own adventure, considering I haven't really used either character much in this book, or do you want me to just keep writing it like I am. I know I'm asking a lot, but I wanna make you guys, my readers, happy. Anyways, leave your opinions in the comments, and remember that no matter what, you need to keep doing what you enjoy. How else are you suppose to stay happy?


Castaways | Pirate AU | Mono X Six | Little Nightmares IIजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें