Season Two, Episode Three: The Crazed Doctor, Part 2

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Six POV, The Sea, The Runaway

"I'm sure he's fine, Six," Seven said as he watched the cloaked girl pace the deck of the Runaway. 
"No, I'm sure he's not! He's been down there for nearly a half-hour, Seven! We need to pull him out-" Six is cut off from her rant as a massive explosion erupted from where the shipwreck supposedly was. Six screamed out Mono's name, and Seven rushed over the side to look out over the wreckage as bits and pieces of wood and water rained from above. 

20 Minutes Earlier, Mono POV, Shipwreck

Mono slid under the desk and the crazy doctor reached out to grab him again. Mono used the deck as cover, slicing his knife across the Doctor's hands. A screech was heard from above, and Mono began to question why he was always the one to encounter supernatural entities. Bolting out of the desk, Mono snagged a small satchel and began dumping medical supplies into it, strapping it across his chest before turning and running back towards his cover. Sliding under the desk, Mono looked around for a better weapon than his meager knife. Mind you, the knife was working pretty well, but Mono knew he'd need a better weapon if he wanted to get out of there alive. Mono sprinted away from under the desk, running down the hallway and glancing in the rooms as he passed. He heard the Doctor following him along the roof, laughing maniacally and he muttered about organs and transplants and donations. Mono thought back to the corpse he had seen move and shuddered before deciding that he would rather not be reduced to that. Wrapping around the corner, Mono spotted a door labeled "Armoury" directly in front of him. Mono put it into fifth and flew across the floor, slamming into the door before wrenching it open and slamming it closed, listening to the banging on the door as he slid a barricade over it. Loud screeching could be heard from behind the door, and Mono shuddered. He watched as the barricade slowly began splintering, Mono had maybe five minutes before he'd be cornered. Looking around, Mono can up with a plan. A stupid plan, but a plan nonetheless. Grabbing a barrel of gunpowder, Mono positioned it by the door. Grabbing a flintlock, Mono ran back towards the back of the room. The barricade splintered and finally broke. The Doctor slunk in, moving slowly. Mono stood in front of him as he dropped from the roof, standing directly in front of the barrel of gunpowder. Mono raised the flintlock. 

"Good luck. That weapon won't work on me. I'm impervious to all kinds of damage," the Doctor said, smiling. 

"Hey, this is my prescription Doc. You need to go boom," Mono said, correcting his aim and firing into the gunpowder, and the world exploded. 

Six POV, The Sea, The Runaway

Six stared as Seven dove over the edge of the Runaway, swimming towards the small form floating in the water. Grabbing it, Seven swan back, hauling the unconscious Mono onto the deck of the ship. SIx gasps, gripping Mono's hand as Seven began chest compressions, forcing the air back into Mono's lungs. 

A/N: So sorry for the short chapter. I'm on low battery so I'm kinda rushed. I'll go back through and edit later. Adios!

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