Season One, Episode One: Prologue

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A/N: As I am writing in a kind of 'episodic" format, I am going to put the song above at the start of each chapter. Consider it the opening theme. I might put a closing theme at the end as well if I can think of one. You may skip over it if you want, but I highly suggest you listen to it and support the artist, as it is a good song. I do not own this song, all rights go to John Dreamer, the artist. 

Six P.O.V (The Brig of The Hunter's Ship)

Six sighed, scratching yet another tally mark into the floorboards of the ship's brig. The Hunter had thrown her in that god-forsaken cell months ago, she had lost track. Glancing to her right, she sees a small music box, the only form of entertainment on the ship while they made their way back to Port Royal. Six was wanted, as were many of the other pirates in the brig of The Hunter's ship. The Hunter, a man who had made quite the name for himself in the world of bounty hunting, was the leader of the ship Six was on. No one knew his name, thus the nickname "The Hunter." Although she craved human interaction, she kept to herself as not to get any more hurt than she already was. Multiple scratches lined her bare arms and legs, only barely being covered by the blue sweater-shirt that she wore. Her white shorts were stained a dark-grey color from the water constantly splashing through the oar holes along the side of the ship, causing a small film of water to constantly cover the entire floor. No matter how many times she tried, she could never find anywhere dry in her cell. Sighing, she turned to the music box and started to turn the handle, causing an eerie tune to waft through the brig of the ship and out into the open air. As unnerving as the tune was, every prisoner seemed to enjoy the tune, especially with Six humming along with it. Once one prisoner joined Six, they all did. The sound of humming and a small music box was heard nearly a mile out to sea. The music perked the ears of a small boy cleaning the ship's top deck, a mask covering his nose and mouth. Turning, the boy stared at where the sound originated, before slowly creeping towards the stairs. 

Mono P.O.V (The Top Deck of the ship, 5 minutes earlier)

Mono sighed as he continued to run the mop over the ship. Despite the weight of the mop, Mono seemed to have no problem holding it up. Under his too-small shirt, one could see his muscles rippling. While he might look frail and small, Mono could do things most men couldn't. He was strong, immensely strong for his age, and could beat most men on the ship. Why he was nearly a cabin boy was a mystery to all but The Hunter. As if he could read thoughts, heavy footsteps sounded from within the captain's quarters, before the door was thrown open and The Hunter himself walked out onto the ship. This was a rare occurrence, so most of the crew immediately got back to work, not wanting to anger him. Mono merely pulled his small hat lower over his face, wondering if The Hunter had caught wind of the large bounty on Mono's head. The Hunter turned and started walking towards Mono, the boy in question feeling his breath catch in his throat. But instead of stopping, the large man simply brushed past him and into the hold, heading to the brig. Mono let out the breath he had been holding before getting back to work. Maybe four minutes later, Mono heard an eerie tune wafting from the brig of the ship. The Hunter had since gone back to his quarters, so the brig was empty apart from the prisoners. Mono stopped for a second and listening, small ears picking up on the quiet feminine humming that was matching the tune of the music. All the other prisoners joined in, and Mono dropped his mop and slowly crept towards the stairs, using his small stature to his advantage to avoid the other crewmates. Reaching the stairs, Mono took one last look out across the deck of the ship, the feeling in his stomach telling him this would be the last time he would be here as a crewmate. 


A/N: Well, that was an adventure to write. I accidentally deleted the original draft of this chapter, so I had to re-write it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the book!! Thanks for readingQ



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