Season One, Episode Seven: Patwa Island, Part Two

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Mono POV, Patwa Island

Mono clips Six's cloak around his shoulders, pulling the hood up. His cap sat discarded a few feet away. Mono checks his gear before turning to Seven, who was strapping a sword to his waist. They are on the Runaway, getting geared up for the upcoming battle. Seven gestured to the stairs down. 

"There's a second flintlock down in the brig. A second sword too, if that's your style," he says, strapping a holster to his chest. Mono nods. He hadn't duel-wielded in a while, but it sounded like he might need to. From what Seven had told him, this was going to be hard. Heading down to the brig, Mono spies the weapons. Grabbing them, and a few smoke bombs, Mono heads back out, keeping his hood up. The plan was for Mono to sneak in while Seven followed from the outside of the temple. Mono thought it was a horrible idea, but it was the only idea they had.

Now, though, standing in front of the large temple door, Mono gulps. This is a horrible idea. Absolutely horrible. Mono walks up to the large crack that had formed in the stone. It was large enough for him to get through, barely. Once inside, Mono drops to a crouch. No need for any unwanted attention. Reaching up, Mono grabs the hood of Six's cloak and pulls it lower, hiding his face completely. Grabbing a small knife that he had found in the brig, Mono begins his descent into the Temple. Three stories up, and Mono is nervous. He hadn't seen anybody. The sound of something scratching catches his ears. Following it, Mono peaks through a doorway to see a large classroom-looking area set up. A large woman is standing at the front of the room, scratching what looks to be gibberish into the large stone tablet attached to the wall. Multiple Bullies are sat in chairs that are suspended up off of the ground, and Mono can see Six sitting in the very front. Not good. If I try to grab her, I'll get caught. Mono continues to examine the room, his eyes falling on a girl with a bright yellow cloak, not too unlike the one that Mono has on currently. He blinks. Was this the girl Seven was trying to save? Mono moves forwards, ducking under one of the incredibly tall chairs right as the scratching stops. Mono's breath hitches. Did she see him?

Seven POV, Patwa Island Temple

Seven continues to follow Mono through the temple, climbing up the temple walls like a monkey. All that training was paying off. Pulling himself up, Seven slides Mono's hat lower, attempting to hide his face. He sees Mono looking inside a room, and glances through the window to see the Teacher, as well and Six and...Seven's breath hitches. Five? There she is, sure enough. Her yellow cloak sits tight around her shoulders as she shivers. Her skin looks glassy. Seven's breath hitches. She was close. Movement catches Seven's eye, and he sees Mono bolt under one of the chairs. The bullies pay him no mind. It's not like they can see him. The Teacher turns, beginning to speak in a strange language that Seven had heard one too many times. As he watches, he sees many kids stop moving, turning into porcelain dolls. Five's skin turns even glassier, and Seven has to resist the urge to shoot the Teacher. That won't work. It never did. He sees Mono stop moving as well. Seven stares, as the Teacher slowly walks towards Mono's position speaking in that strange language. 

Mono POV, Patwa Island Temple

Mono feels his limbs becoming heavier with every word that leaves the Teacher's mouth. He sees many Bullies stop moving, falling, and crashing onto the ground. The Teacher's steps stop right next to Mono, and it takes all his willpower to hold his breath. She stands there and moves on after a few minutes. Leaving the classroom, he hears her leave, heading down the hallway. Mono regains control of his limbs, and he rushes towards Six, seeing the other girl shivering under her cloak. His heart breaks, and his eyes catch hers. He calls out to Six, who sees him and rushes into his arms. After handing back her cloak, he rushes over to the other girl. Six calls out for him to wait, but Mono doesn't care. This girl needs saving, no matter what. Six means the world to him, but it was clear this girl meant the world to Seven. He climbs up onto the desk, scooping up the girl and jumping down onto the floor with her in his arms. As he turns to run out the door, he stops in his tracks. In front of him is the Teacher's head, her neck stretching out of view. 

"Well well well, what do we have here? A troublemaker?" the Teacher asks, canting her head and smiling. Mono puts the girl down, pulling his flintlocks out. 

"Nah, just a kid who doesn't like adults," Mono states, before firing both flintlocks at the same time. 

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