Path to Death

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As my eyes first open

I gaze into the blinding light

For a deep breath, I fight

I sometimes wish

All I saw was darkness

Never breathed never been freed

But luck awakes me

Into a lake of fire in hell

Where my soul will burn to the end

Here it is, here it is where my path begins

as I hop into the fire trying to catch hope and my feelings repress

with the torment of fire  until the coolness of death takes me away from my pain with no regret

I am who I am I become who I want to be but in the end, the shadow of the past takes away the future from me

And from here starts the decay of my flesh.

I'm bound to die



That malicious glimmer in children's eyes

You lose it when you see how harsh this world is and then you die

I pay homage to the people who lived and never died

I see the image of the woman who cried in the church but insensitivity takes me far wide

Inexistence is my hearts desire that's why I feel like God sometimes

Is it innocence or brainwashing to have hope in the demise



Always I used to think that illness Is physical

Turns out its body and mind

It's not contagious but if you search for it everywhere her your gonna find

It's even in the petty to the criminal minds

Your in a world where no one to your opinions gives mind

So stand there and fight


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