Episode 4: Good, Perfect Morning

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You pull open the drapes in the kitchen and the sun shines through and the dust floating through the beam of sunshine becomes visible. You had just prepared breakfast for everyone and the pleasant aroma of the fried rice was prominent in the room. 

You lean against the wall and take in a deep breath. As you exhale, your body relaxes in tranquility and contentment. Yet uninterrupted serenity is a luxury that you do not have! For the calm silence is broken by the hardy, happy laugh of a spry, old man. 

"Oh ho! I thought I smelt breakfast. You're a good guest, [Y/N]!" Jigoro Kuwajima smiles at you as he walks through the kitchen door and pats you on the back with enough aggression to crush a fucking turtle. You suppress the need to scream in agony. 

"It's the least I can do." You say casually. 

"How was your first night?" He asks you as he takes a seat and pulls a bowl of fried rice towards him. Theirs a tenderness in his old, tough voice; like the (watered down) tone of a parent talking to their child. 

"I slept horribly, but the night was amazing." You almost swoon as you remember the feel of Zenitsu's warm, smooth skin pressing against you. 

"You and Zenitsu are really hitting it off, huh?" Jigoro beams through a mouthful of food. 

"Ohhh, yeah. I'd say so." You snicker; because of course, Jigoro was referring to hitting it off as friends. You love a good double entendre. 

"I can't tell you how happy that makes me," The old man says as he looks down at his food. "My other student is always giving the boy a hard time. It'll be good for him to have someone around who he can call a friend."

You blush. You feel a bit embarrassed for Zenitsu. You've always been able to get along fine with people- never had a good friend, but you've never had a bully before either. You've always felt a bit of pity for people who get bullied. Of course, you never lose respect for people on that account, but you just feel pity. 

"Aww," You nod awkwardly and press your lips. "That's sweet." That was the best and only response you could come up with. Then you actually process what he said. "Wait, you have another student!? I haven't seen anyone else here!" 

"Oh, you'll meet him soon. He just tends to keep to himself." 

You and Jigoro finish your breakfast and the old man bids you adieu and thanks you for the meal. You are left in the kitchen to wait eagerly for Zenitsu to wake up. 

After a bit, he skips happily into the kitchen with a look of immeasurable bliss on his face. You don't know for sure why he's so happy, but you have a good idea. . . 

"Good morning, Zenitsu!" You shoot him a smile from your chair as you think of all the ways you can mess with him. He thought that the lecherous events of last night were a dream, and you are going to have a lot of fun with that. 

"It is, isn't it?" He grins at you as he takes a seat. His smile broadens as his eyes fall on the breakfast. "Did you make this?" He asks.

You nod. 

"Thank you so much!" 

Your head rests on your palm as you stare, dreamfully, at Zenitsu. You see him in a different light now. You've felt the gentle, tender touch of his toned body. Now when you look at him, you don't only feel lovey-dovey, but you also feel the blissful pleasure associated with his warmth. And you haven't even had sex yet! It's just been touching. 

"So. . ." A lustful smirk crosses your face and your tone is laced with playful implicitly. "Had any good dreams last night?" You wiggle your eyebrows up and down. 

Zenitsu's face turns bright red and you can tell that he's onto you. He probably thinks that you heard him talking in his sleep, which you did! 

"Um, well I. . ." The boy stutters and you stare at him with a fake look of intrigue. "Yeh, I dreamt I went to the market and bought some really cool, erm, magical beans. Yeh, I dreamt I bought magical beans." 

"Mm. Quite, quite." You nod your head up and down and drum your fingers together as you begin to toy with the poor boy. "Well, I couldn't help but notice that in your sleep there was a bit of blood rushing to a certain part of your body." 

You didn't think it was possible, but Zenitsu's face got even redder. 

You lean in close to him, your faces almost touching and then ask: "Do you find magical beans arousing?" 

Zenitsu began to sweat like Niagara-fucking-falls and a sudden ray of empathy and mercy shone down on you. In the words of the Immortal Bard, "The Quality of Mercy is not strained; it droppeth as the gentle rain from Heaven upon the place beneath". But in this case, a gentle rain would not be enough heavenly goodness to make you put Zenitsu out of his misery. Oh no. You were so excited to toy with him. This was a whole fucking waterfall of mercy. So, with great disappointment, you do the right thing and decide to pull the trigger.

"Zenitsu, last night. . ." Your voice trails off. You don't know how to tell him. The fact of the matter is, you made a mistake. Your relationship shouldn't start out with all that touching, it should start out fluffy, sweet and gentle. 
You decide not to tell him.
"Zenitsu, I heard you in your sleep." You watch, uncomfortably, as the cute boy writhes around in situational-agony. 

He opens his mouth to talk, but you cut him off. Placing a hand on his soft hand and say: "And I was relieved!" 

Zenitsu's red face morphs into an expression of shock, happiness and confusion. He doesn't seem to get what you're saying. 

"I. . . Um, ok." You inhale and press your lips together, hesitating before finishing the sentence. "You're cute, dummy!" You blurt, throwing your hands in the air. "That's as close as I'll get to what I want to say." 

Zenitsu's face gets to that shade of red that nuclear inspectors don't like to see. He gives you a quiet smile and begins to look down as he nervously fiddles with his chopsticks. It looks like he has something he wants to say, and you look at him patiently to let him know he can take his time. But underneath the calm surface, your heart is racing to hear his response. 

"Maybe we could go out and have dinner sometimes soon?" Zenitsu mutters in a high, nervous voice. He glanced up at you, then back down quickly. 

You lean in close to him, and he lets out a small, nervous yelp. "I'd love that." You whisper into his ear. As you pull away, you land a small kiss on his red, hot cheek. 

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