Episode 2: God, I Hope he's Gay

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You just finished training for five hours without water, rest or someone mercy killing you. Your muscles ache, your heart feels like it's going to burst out of your chest, your lungs are sore from total concentration breathing and your head hurts because your teacher, Jigoro Kuwajima, hit you over the head with his cane. 

You're laying on a rock under the sun, still deciding whether you're tired or dying. And which one would be better. You have a perfect view of the forest of peach-trees, the pond and fields. You'd love one of those peaches, but your legs are too sore to move. 

"Hey, [Y/N]!" You hear Zenitsu's voice calling to you from a distance. Your whole body hurts as you sit yourself up. You can see him just past the pond, he's waving and running towards you. Your first thought is: 'Oh god, he's coming to fetch me because Kuwajima has needs us to train more.' And your second thought is drowning yourself in the pond. But alas, you are too tired to walk to the pond. So instead you smile and wave back to him. You suppose it would be alright to have some company. 

You watch as Zenitsu runs towards you. You wish he'd run faster; you're getting bored. You're eyes widen and you let out a small chuckle as you see him trip on a rock. You can hear a faint, distance scream. Your chuckle turns into hysteric laughter as you see him roll down the slope and fall into the pond. 

Moments later, you see a defeated looking Zenitsu slowly emerge from the waters like an orange swamp-monster. He's no longer running towards you. He's trudging over to you, plucking pond-debris out of his soaking, blond hair. You actually feel a bit bad for him now! His hair's dripping on his already soggy robes. And we all know the feeling of cold, wet clothes clutching your skin. After a few more minutes, he reaches you. 

He gives you an angry look and begins to yell. "I could've died and you just sat there and laughed at me!?!?" 

"Ye, sorry." You rub your neck, a bit embarrassed. "It was only slightly funny, if that helps." You give yourself a mental pat-on-the-back for coming up with that brilliant lie. It wasn't slightly funny- it was crap your pants hilarious. 

"You should take off your clothes. It's sunny out, they'll dry in no time." You smile, looking down at the drenched boy from up on your rock. 

You watch the boy take off his robes and when you see his toned abs your face turns red as a tomato with blush. 

Zenitsu hops on the rock with an warm, broad smile. He seats himself next to you, a little close but you don't mind. 

"So, how was it?" He asks. A friendly, enthusiastic warmth seems to be emitting from him. 

You take in a deep breath. "Well. . ." You begin, trying to think of a witty way to answer. But you're too tired for wit. "Bad. It was very, very painful and bad. Since it's over, I'm glad. But the training made me sad." You get angry at yourself, 'That was a horrible joke and Zenitsu's gonna hate it.' You think. 

But lo and behold! Zenitsu giggled! You can't help but smile. 

The boy lay down, his head resting on his hands as he gazes up at the sky. His quiet smile was tranquil and his eyes couldn't seem to decide whether to look calm or happy. He seemed content. "Gramps is an odd man." Zenitsu began. "He'll push you until your bones want to snap and your muscles stop working. He'll never let you leave, but he won't let you give up either." 

"Excellent character study, but I seem to still be in horrible post-training pain." You retort with a playful snarky tone. You follow Zenitsu's lead and lay down. The rock is a lot more comfy than you would have thought! Rocks, nature's pillows. 

"Come on, you idiot." Zenitsu teases. "You know what I mean. Underneath the tough, intimidating outer layer, there's a man who will stick with you through thick and thin." 

The two of you sit in silence for a moment. It's not an uncomfortable silence, though. It's more of a serene period of no talking. 

"[Y/N]," Zenitsu begins, his voice has a tone that warns you he has something serious to say.


"I'm glad you're here."

You roll over and face him. Your smiling like a love-struck school girl. But you can't help yourself. A cute boy with a toned core just complimented you! While shirtless! For a moment you forget all about the rigorous training. 

"Me too." You gush. 

You can't tell if it's the lighting, your imagination or reality, but you see Zenitsu's cheeks glow red. He rolls over too.

The two of you lay on the rock under the warmth of the sun, staring into each others' eyes. 

'God, I hope he's gay,' You hope to yourself as you and Zenitsu exchange fun anecdotes. 'Because I may be falling in love.'  

⚡ZIP ZAP ZOINK⚡ (Zenitsu x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now