Episode 1: First Impressions are Key

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This is the introduction. The romance comes in in Episode 2! :)

Remember to vote and comment. It means the world to me.
You walk up to the estate, your bag of things hangs over your scrawny shoulders. You can feel the gentle, cool breeze caressing your skin. In fact, the breeze is so perfect you feel like you should make small talk about it. Breeze small talk is cliché, but you don't give a flying fuck! The people you'll be living with reside in this isolated estate and probably haven't heard small talk in forever. 

You raise your fist to knock at the door. No response. You let out a big, why-must-life-fuck-me-from-behind sigh. But then you hear something from inside. You hope it would be the sound of the handle turning, but things aren't perfect! Instead, it's the sound of a boy screaming as if he is being chased by a drunken hillbilly who somehow got his booze-drenched hands on a whip. 

"NO PLEAASEEEE, GRAMPS! DON'T MAKE ME GO BACK OUT THERE!" The boy screams. You stare at the door with wide eyes. Horror washes over your face. Behind the door is either your destination, hell, a dysfunctional family, or all of the above. God takes a shit in your breakfast once again!

"You'll do as I tell you, Zenitsu!" An older voice yelled back. Then all you here are booming footsteps and screams as the two run around the house like fucking clowns chasing each other in a circus while the ring-master is on vacation in the Bahamas.  

'Is learning how to slay demons really worth it . . .?'  You ask yourself. But you don't have time to finish thinking. The footsteps get louder and you can tell the two people are heading for the door. Probably in a similar fashion as a bull heading towards a red cape. 

You step to the side of the door, just in time. The door flies open and a blond boy in an orange robes flies out of it and lands on the grass in front of it. He looks very bruised . . . maybe he was domestically violenced. The boy, still on the ground begins to crawl towards you. He grabs your pants and looks up at you, tears welling in his bruised eyes. 

"You gotta help me!" He sobs. You wanna care, you really do. You wanna give a few damns. But you don't care, and you are all out of damns to give. You just wish he'd let go of you, or have the decency to introduce himself. 

"Sorry. I can't help. I'm too busy thinking of excuses." 

The boys face goes blank, as if you somehow offended him by not helping him escape domestic abuse. The nerve. 

Just then, the other dude bursts through the door. He's an old, short man with a face that was somehow angry and gentle at the same time, with just a touch of evil. He leaps at the boy, grabs him by the legs, and drags him back inside. You know when lions jump at wounded gazelles? It kind of gave you that sorta vibe. The blond lets out a scream that sends shivers down your spin- it was like some sort of death-scream

The scream is followed by an uneasy silence. No footsteps, yelling or death-screams. Just the sound of that gentle breeze. You begin to fear for the boy's safety. . . 'Did that old man kill the boy? Oh god, that would be a bummer.' 

The footsteps and screams start back up again! The boy jumps through the door and slams it behind him like a child closing the door on a parent that's chasing them (maybe that actually is what this is). He then proceeds to hide behind you, cowering in fear like a child hiding behind his mother. The similarities between this guy and a child are stunning! The door opens again, and out comes Thing Two. The old man is brandishing his cane like a fucking sword, and you start to worry that he will hit you until he gets to the boy hiding behind you. Perhaps you should just surrender him. . . then maybe leave.

"GRAMPS! WE HAVE A GUEST!" The boy peeks out from behind you and you wave awkwardly at the old man. His grumpy, stony face quickly  turns soft and welcoming. The abuse-victim stops hiding behind you, and stands next to you instead. 

"Well, hello there! You must be my new student." The man smiles. 

You press your lips together and nod. Then there's silence again. This time, the silence isn't sinister. The silence is like a really annoying bug. Why? Because you hate it. 

You open your mouth to break the silence. But you don't have a fucking clue what to say. But- oh god, you're already talking. "So, this breeze is great, huh?"

"Huh? I guess." The blondy smiles. He extends his hand (which is trembling from the adrenaline) and you shake it. "I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma." 

"I'm [Y/N] [L/N]! Pleasure to meet ya." You smile back. You can't tell if or ifn't you're blushing. He seems childish, but he's not all that hard on the eyes. 

⚡ZIP ZAP ZOINK⚡ (Zenitsu x Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن