Episode 3: Non-Sexual Pillow Talk

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The curtains are wide open, the light of the full moon streaming into the bedroom. You've always liked falling asleep while the moonlight danced on your face. This night, in particular, was a more beautiful than ever. The moon casts its blue light through out the sky and a thousand tiny stars circle around it. The lovely sight makes it almost bearable that you aren't able to fall asleep. It's your first night at Jigoro's estate and it's never easy slipping into a slumber in a new bed. Unfortunately, despite the lovely scenery, you really feel like life taking a big piss on you. For most people, falling asleep after a workout/training session like yours would be a piece of cake. Not for you, though. You got screwed over. That said, the one saving grace was that there wasn't an extra room for you to stay in. For most people, that would be another galleon of life's piss of misfortune. For you, it meant sharing a room with your crush, Zenitsu. 

"Hey, Zenitsu. You awake?" You whisper, hoping for a voice to whisper back. But your words are followed by a disappointing silence. What came after is somehow worse. 

"What's wrong with you? Do you want me to die!? You've seen the training regiments he puts us through, it's hell! I won't make it if I don't get a good sleep so shut up!" You know Zenitsu doesn't mean it, he just likes to fall into brief fits of hysteria. 

"But you are awake, though? Right?"

There is a pause.

"Yeah." He finally says in a dead tone. "Don't feel bad, though. You didn't wake me." 

The reoccurring silence comes back once more, awkward now. You stew uncomfortably in it for a little bit while you rack your brain for a conversation topic. 

"So. . ." You start. The sound of impending, awkward small talk is prominent in your nervous voice. Talking to cute guys is harder than it should be. "How long have you been training here?" 

"About a year. I can wait for you to finish your training so we can do Final Selection together!" The boy seams eager to postpone Final Selection. Who could blame him, though? It sounds scary. You can't help but wiggle with joy. 'He's willing to stay here for another year while I train? Could that mean he has feelings for me?' Coming to your senses, you roll your eyes and tell yourself to get a grip and stop reading into things. . . 'unless it isn't reading into things! He could have feelings for me.' You realize you'd be lucky to not get your heart broken if you keep up this wishful thinking.

"I've been training for a year, too." You tell him. "I was practicing Breath of Insect, but I decided  to, um, switch." You blush a bit, the idea of quitting never really sat easy with you and it wasn't something you're proud of. 

"Oh, that's neat!" Zenitsu smiles at you as he pushes himself up in his bed and leans against the headboard, placing his pillow (the same design as his orange kimono) on his lap. "Why'd you switch?" 

It's dark, but you can tell that he's looking at you with full attention. You grin, you really are lucky to have met Zenitsu. It's not often people actually give a ferret's ass about what you have to say. But Zenitsu always seems to care! It's like he has a life time supply of ferret asses, and you love it when he gives you one.

You take your own pillow and press it against your face in embarrassment. "I'm afraid of bugs." You admit in a muffled voice. 

You can't see him through the pillow on your face, but you hear an adorable giggle as Zenitsu processes what you just told him. 

"You waited a year to quit Breath of Insect even though you were afraid of bugs? That's actually really funny! Why'd you even do Breath of Insect to begin with?" 

You sit up in the bed too, also placing your pillow in your lap. "The Insect Hashira saved me from a demon. And she asked if I wanted to learn how to fight them. . ." Your voice trails off before you get to the embarrassing part.  But Zenitsu gives you a look that tells you he wants you to continue, so you do. "And she was really scary so I said yes." You murmur the last part, looking away from Zenitsu. You were a tiny bit ashamed- like, who breaths insects because a scary woman tells them to?

"I've been there," Zenitsu smiles. "Gramps can be scary a bit, too. It's  one of the reasons I'm still here." Your eyes widen, you were sure he'd make fun of you! But, he just offers you a warm smile and a similar story. You've been around plenty of people, but they have never been nice. They weren't mean, but they'd laugh at you and tease you even when it hurt. Perhaps Zenitsu was a first. By now, you're dying to know if he's into men-  into you. You open your mouth, but you don't know how to ask it without sounding rude. You can't just ask someone if they're gay. As you're trying to think of the words, you hear snoring. A smile of disappointment and relief dawns on your face. 

As you're drifting to sleep, your face lights up. You jolt upright in your bed, throwing your blankets off you. You had the blessed realization that tomorrow is Saturday! And Jigoro doesn't make your train on Weekends. You remember how pissed Zenitsu got when you asked if he was awake, he must not have realized that there wasn't any training tomorrow. You can't wait to see his cute, little smile when he hears the news! You slowly, walk towards his bed and place your arms on his muscular shoulders. You're taken a back, for a moment. He doesn't have his kimono on and the feeling of the warm, soft flesh of a cute boy is something you've never felt before. You have to resist the creepy urge to crawl in bed with him. You're about to shake him awake when you hear him utter something in his sleep. "Ohhh, [Y/N]! Oh, yeah." 

'He moaned and said my name in his sleep!' You pump your fists and jump up and down, and the moans got you a bit hard, to be honest! Well, your question is answered. Maybe you'll let him sleep a bit and go back some breakfast for him and Jigoro when he wakes up. But before you do so, you sit on his bed next to him, place a hand on one of his toned pecs, and give him a kiss on the lips. 

You are about to pull away, but before you know what's happening, Zenitsu's eyes are open and he wrapped his strong arms around you and pulled you into him, pressing your skinny chest against his hot, muscular torso. You're lying on top of him and then two of you are full on making out! You feel something between his legs brush up against your thigh. You feel around his chest, caressing every crevice and muscle you find. His six-pack and pecs are as hard as tempered steel, and so are you. You feel his hands groping around your smooth back as he pulls you tighter into him

"I hope I never wake up!" Zenitsu moans. You giggle, then it turns to a laugh. He thinks that this is a dream! You could have a lot of fun with this next morning. . . 
But dreaming or not, this is still both of your fantasies. 

⚡ZIP ZAP ZOINK⚡ (Zenitsu x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now