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Jiu was first to enter your room while you were just staring at the ceiling, spaced out your mind wandering elsewhere, blushing at a thought.


You stood up almost immediately, clearing your throat, seeing that it was just Jiu, you released a sigh of relief.

"Since you want Gahyeon to give the report instead"

Jiu cuts herself off sitting down on a chair, legs crossed.

"What is going on with you?"

Your eyes averted everywhere but on Jiu's curious ones for the first time you were afraid of something. A secret perhaps?

"If it's a secret then I-"

You interrupt Jiu with your panicked stare as you shake both your hands seeing that Jiu was about to leave your room.

"No no, it's just that. We've been doing this for a while and as you know, I never really dived in on the more uh..."

The woman in front of you raises her eyebrows before finishing what you were saying.

"Romantic side?"

You blushed heavily covering your face trying your best to calm down.

"It's not like porn so you don't have to be so embarrassed"

Unlike your image outside of your family circle, you were known to be gruesome and merciless for almost all the people you encounter when it comes to the business you focus on unless you have some matters to settle, in your legal companies you were known to be friendly yet unapproachable. It was like you have three personalities all for specific occasions.

"YAH!!! I know that at least, you don't have to be so straightforward oh my god"

Jiu couldn't help but laugh as she saw you, her sister, the one who kills people without a single thought. Curl up, blush and feel romance with a single woman. A woman no one knew would turn you into a blushing mess.

"Well, there's only a few things I can tell you Y/N, you know your heart better than anyone else in this world. We all know that Gahyeon is obviously attracted to you. With romance it's like both parties holding a loaded gun in each other's heads, you trust they won't shoot but in this line of business we don't trust anyone, we shoot the gun if we need to. If your heart longs for her then go for it but just know by doing that, it's a scary road to take but the scariest one if you open up to it, you might just discover something unexpected and beautiful in the end. It's your heart, body, soul and mind. It will desire who it wants and if it chose Gahyeon, then you don't need me to help you"

Jiu then leaves your room after leaving you speechless. A solid hour after you took a deep breath sitting on the edge of your bed.

"What really happened with you and Y/N?"

Jiu walks towards Gahyeon who was waiting for her turn to give the report.


The older woman continued looking at Gahyeon with a strict gaze that made the latter tense up.

"I supposed it is not your business for now my dearest sister"

You open the door looking at Jiu and Gahyeon with a smile plastered on your face but your eyes were empty yet again which made Jiu wonder if what she said was wrong.

"Gahyeon follows me to the office and gives the report there, Jiu goes with Sua. I checked the guns and I want you to talk to the gunsmith, the guns are garbage compared to the last. It's almost useless, I won't forgive and forget the next time it happens. We still have extra guns, right?"

Shoot me (Gahyeon)Where stories live. Discover now