Already Your's 

"Yeahhhh It's a yesss bhai log aab yeh banda single nahi raha (It's a yess bros now this guy isn't single anymore)"I squeaked which was audible to my two lame friends   

"Bhai party!!"They squeaked out loud 

"Get out of my class and then do your party"Yelled the professor and threw us out of the class I saw Prisha and her friends giggling at us I goofily scratch the back of my head and we went towards the canteen 

Few months later 

Me and Prisha are dating everything is perfect! just how I wanted it to be! right now I am in the canteen waiting for Prisha to arrive and here she is 

"Hello Love"I said with a smile and side hugged her she pulled back 

"I wanna talk to you about something"She said 

"Yeah go on"I said while siting down

"Actually I don't love you it was just an infatuation so Yeah I wanna break up with you"She replied blankly 

"What you are kidding right?" I asked with a nervous chuckle 

"No I am not"She said and shrugged, tears brimmed in my eyes

"You can't do this to me"I whispered and tears rolled down my cheek

"I guess, I did"Said Prisha whom I loved the most, and she just walk past me

"Why you left me? what was my fault? "I whispered to myself and cried for the first time,I wiped my tears and went in search of my friends they are the one who will understand me 

I found them and she was there, all were laughing what the hell!

"Abrar and Caleb lets go I wanna talk to you guys and be aware of her"I said while pointing towards Prisha. she smirked 

"Oh lover boy! I should have warned to be aware of these friends of yours"She said and smirked, what the hell she is talking about, I looked at my pals who were smirking as well, what is going on!

"Well we were never your friends she asked us to be your friends and make you propose her so she can enjoy the luxury you have and she paid us pretty heavy amount so how can we say no to such a amazing deal"Said my so called friends 

"Just because of this stupid money you three played with my emotions"I asked with a bruise voice 

"Good you got that pretty soon tubelight and......"Abrar was Cut off by Prisha 

"And Money is not stupid its everything"Said Prisha 

"Its not!"I yelled in my cranky voice 

"Oh so sad its okay you will get know soon"Said Caleb with fake sympathy and they left, Whoa now my friends were fake too great, Let's just end this day here and go home I need mom and dad to talk to as Abhi dada and Vaishoo di are on their honeymoon 


"MOM, DAD I am home....."I said as I entered inside our mansion but I was cut off of my mom

"Oh ashu you came soon today, anyway its good, me and your dad are going on a business trip we will be back within three days can you manage everything alone until we come back I am really sorry ashu we need to go to this business trip its a really big deal"Mom said while cupping my cheeks 

"Yeah mom I will manage but mom and dad I need to talk to you about something"I said

"I would love to son but we are running late the flight is in an hour we can't miss it so we will talk about it when we are back okay?"Asked dad

Lunatic Love: journey of madness in loveWhere stories live. Discover now